Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Week 1

Welcome to 2021!  It may not be the best start because of the carryover from 2020, but we're hopeful and optimistic for a better year overall.  I'm looking forward to a time when we can travel again, and have traditional classes, and see a movie in a theater, and go out to eat with friends. Our whole family would like to enjoy life more and make new memories without putting anyone at risk. Here's to hoping and believing we can accomplish this in 2021.

Until then, here we go with a post full of daily pictures starting off the first week with a few extra days thrown in for this new year:

Day 1- Friday, 1/1/21

Happy New Year's Day!  Here's a traditional picture with my boys and the yearly marker.  I'm happy and grateful to have them all home with us right now.

Day 2- Saturday, 1/2/21

John made crab-cake balls today that he and Justin enjoyed very much.  Tyler was working and Brandon and I don't do shellfish.

Day 3- Sunday, 1/3/21

A new year and new pad for Tyler.  He found a place locally to rent with a guy his age who is just starting a nursing career and has a similar shift schedule as him. We all chipped to help him get moved and settled which made for a really long day but there was a pizza dinner at the end which was a fun way to send him off.  He's pretty excited to be living on his own again, and we couldn't be any prouder of how he's carving his own path to a great future.

Day 4- Monday, 1/4/21

It rained hard last night and earlier today which is good because we really need it.  At least it was nice out for our walk later in the afternoon.  We just had to navigate the many puddles--we'll I navigated them while Bella plowed right through them.  LOL!

Day 5- Tuesday, 1/5/21

Brandon started back to remote school today for his second semester of 11th grade and yesterday finished this Lego set of the San Francisco skyline he got for Christmas.  He had over a week to build this set but waited until the day before school started before busting it out.  That's so him.

Day 6- Wednesday, 1/6/21

What a crazy messed up day.  We're all watching the insanity at the White House unfold as we clean up after dinner. This country is so broken, and I really hope we can all just come together and be united to move forward in better times.  Photo credits: Washington Post and Reason Magazine

Day 7- Thursday, 1/7/21

A typical look from Justin as we have conversations about random things. Also, I can't get this kid out of that sweatshirt.  We hardly ever see him without it except for maybe a couple hours on laundry day.  Haha!  He's also pretty happy he still has another week before starting his school again.

Day 8- Friday, 1/8/21

This is a typical January morning here in the valley.  The fog usually burns off around 10am but otherwise is pretty thick before then.  We see so much fog this time of year that John gave me fog lights for Christmas to be installed on my new car which helps make my early morning commute better and safer.  Thanks babe--they work wonders!  Back at home John has this recliner from our sectional out in the garage so he can replace the part that actually makes it recline.  Bella is a bit concerned that her master's chair has gone missing especially since it's Friday and she knows he should be sitting there  watching a movie right about now.

Day 9- Saturday, 1/9/21

When I can't find the cat I know where to look--under this blanket.  It's been cold lately and he likes to hunker down under here for the entire day.  The only thing that will draw him out is food especially meat, and speaking of food involving meat, John made us chicken strips for dinner tonight.  Always a family favorite.

Day 10- Sunday, 1/10/21

They just cleared vet med essential employees to get the COVID vaccine so I had my appointment at the UC Davis Med Center this morning.  It was pretty packed but they had an efficient system so it went fairly quick.  I got the Moderna vaccine and not the Pfizer simply because that's what was available.  A couple weeks ago the same med center was giving the Pfizer, but it doesn't really matter because both are equally effective, and I'm just happy to have the opportunity to get what I can.  The second dose will be in a few weeks, and yes, I did have some minor side effects including mild flu-like symptoms the 1st night with a really sore arm and vertigo the next morning, but I ended up perfectly fine long before the 48hr mark which is the expected recovery time so it's all good.  Back at home, after returning from my vaccination appointment, Justin and John finished making some devil's food donuts to share. Yum!

OK, that's it!  See you next week hopefully during a peaceful transition time for our country although sadly, we're all on guard expecting the worst.


  1. Happy New Year! How exciting for Tyler!
    Yay vaccine too!!

  2. That is exciting for Tyler and he is still close which is good for you! Glad you got the vaccine! There is hope and light at the end of the tunnel as we get more and more out! It was a sad week though with the Capitol mess. Hoping we can move on and come together and have a peaceful transition of power! Have a good week!
