Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Week 17

Welcome back, happy Tuesday, and welcome to May!  How can we be almost half way through this year already?  Last week was way more chill than the week before since Brandon only had 2 days with tennis games instead of 3 and then 1 got cancelled.  This coming week we are back to 3 again and juggling schedules to make it work especially since we travel for 2 of them.  No worries though because we're adaptable and will enjoy the ride while it lasts.

For now, have fun looking at a more relaxed week:

Day 116- Monday, 4/26/21

We stared off the week with some cool summer vibes as things heated up again.  I'm so glad I took the Starbucks picture by the pool with all the full vegetation in the background because a few days later it was all trimmed WAY back prepping to have our fence replaced and looks like a hot mess over there now.  This is also be the start of having the sprinklers back on since rain these days is few and far between.

Day 117- Tuesday, 4/27/21

It was just tennis practice today and no real game since the other team cancelled on us last minute, and this Brandon's usual dump site after practice as he waits for dinner.  Once that dinner was over he still had a chore from this weekend that needed to be finished so the yard waste could make it to the curb in time for garbage pick up tomorrow.  He could have at least put his shoes back on to get it done. *sigh*

Day 118- Wednesday, 4/28/21

Walking the dog through the park I noticed how nice it is to have the trees back in full foliage.  This path pretty much has it's own tree tunnel now, and the added shade is so nice to have with the heat.  Plus you got to love the wispy clouds, blue skies, and palm trees giving off that California vibe around here.  Nature is a wonderful thing that soothes the soul.

Day 119- Thursday, 4/29/21

Here we at McClatchy high school for a tennis match in the sweltering heat. I know it's super hot out on the courts for the kids and Brandon's match was almost an hour long.  Thank goodness the new umbrella I ordered for my lawn chair arrived late last week because at all these games parents are sitting usually on grass areas with no shade right outside the courts.  The umbrella is a must and helped a lot today.  We headed home just in time to catch the sunset after picking up a very late dinner from Taco Bell. 

Day 120- Friday, 4/30/21

John hired a landscaper to come in and do a deep yard prune out back prepping for our fence to be replaced.  I had already started my normal before-summer prune, but don't usually get behind the plants on the fence line which needs to be done now. It was great to have someone come in with better tools to really do a thorough job and help us tame those crazy large plants that are so tall they now reach the second story of our house!  It also really shows how bad our fence is behind all the vegetation.  It's beyond time to have it replaced.  Later, because it's Friday, I was filling up Bella's treat toys and these are her favorite right now, not that she would refuse any treats, but these are extra special to her.  They even smell good and sound yummy to me! LOL--I bet if Justin were home he'd try one.

Day 121- Saturday, 5/1/21

Happy May Day!  I decided to take the May monthly-marker picture outside near one of my rose bushes.  At least these were not touched in the pruning process which makes me happy.  They are far enough from the fence and easy for me to keep in check on my own.  Inside, I was able to make some good progress on my new puzzle today.  It may be small, but it's much harder than I expected with so many different shapes and no real defined straight edge boarder that is easy to start off with.  The pieces don't always lock together either so they can easily slide apart as you're trying to fit others in, but I'm embracing the new challenges and enjoying the process.

Day 122- Sunday, 5/2/21

It was super windy and it is very dry which makes us all nervous about fires and there were a couple that did start locally but thankfully were put out quickly. Despite my hatred of the wind, I made it outside to get the tomatoes bought last week planted and ready to go.  The first picture I took for a "pieces of me" prompt about hands.  It seemed like it would be the easiest to take but ended up being one of the hardest ones for me to remember to take hence the delay.  It is the last of the 7 though so now I'll pull them all into one layout with some journaling to have for years to come.

That's it!  Hope all my fellow mothers have a great day this coming Sunday and I hope to see you next week as I share how my day went.


  1. Some great time outside! Can't wait to see more of the puzzle come together.

  2. Happy Mother's day to you! Love being out in nature so much! It soothes the soul! Your roses are beautiful! Glad you have that umbrella to watch the tennis matches and glad you have and get to go to the tennis matches! Love the puzzle update! Enjoy your weekend!
