Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Week 18

Happy Tuesday! I hope all the wonderful mothers had a good Sunday with your families celebrating them. Mine was nice and mellow just how I like it. This week will be a short work week for me since I'll be heading up to the north coast to move Justin home for the summer. It will be nice to get away and see that pretty country again especially since it has been too warm and windy here as well as super busy. I'm looking forward to slowing the pace back down a bit and hopefully doing something fun with Justin before heading right back to the craziness. I've got to get through a few more Zoom meetings, a couple tennis games and some lab work first though.

Until then here are last week's pictures:

Day 123- Monday, 5/3/21

Tyler couldn't make Sunday dinner yesterday because he has a new girlfriend and it was her birthday so he decided to join us for dinner tonight and make us fish and chips. I also made some Toll House pan cookies for dessert which the boys don't remember ever having so it was fun to reintroduce that to them.

Day 124- Tuesday, 5/4/21

Today I'm working remotely and had a string of Zoom meetings lined up and some record keeping to catch up on.   At least later I was able to get outside and enjoy the sun while watching Brandon play tennis with his high-school team. The school we were at had these cute little gophers that would pop up everywhere.  Sure they are cute, but I also know they are huge pests and can be very damaging to yards so I'm glad I can enjoy them here and am happy they are not in my yard. May the 4th isn't as fun without Justin around, but I still enjoyed seeing all the memes today.

Day 125- Wednesday, 5/5/21

Happy Cinco de Mayo!  We made tacos and enjoyed strawberry Margaritas together.  It was a great way to end the day.

Day 126- Thursday, 5/6/21

Brandon's team has another away tennis game today and it was super windy and even cold which felt weird after a rather warm week.  Thank goodness I brought a jacket!  Also there is a lot of waiting around in tennis for your kid to play with no real schedule so I'm catching up on some reading while I'm there.

Day 127- Friday, 5/7/21

TGIF!  It was my turn to walk the dog and I took the opportunity to break in some new flip-flops that just arrived.  Then after that, I enjoyed this Mama peach drink that John found which was really good and refreshing.  Our Friday night movie for the week was News of the World with Tom Hanks. We have been waiting to see it, not streaming but on Netfix, and it did not disappoint.  John even stayed awake through the whole thing.

Day 128- Saturday, 5/8/21

I made some great progress on my puzzle this week and particularly today.  It actually looks like a turtle now.  I probably could have finished it this weekend but there were others things I had and wanted to do so maybe next week.  Later we watched a newly released Netflix movie that was very action packed and I'm sure will have a sequel or two. Look who slept through it though--so typical of him right now. I guess it's time for me to head to bed too since the movie is over and my glass in empty.  Loving the new night lights we strung on the plant and around the fireplace recently.

Day 129- Sunday, 5/9/21

Happy Mother's Day!  Last year I only had 1 kid home but this year I get 2 to celebrate me.  Justin is still at school but will be home for the summer next weekend, and this is the first time Tyler has joined us for Mother's Day in 4 years so it was a sweet one. John and the boys did a great job making me breakfast, dinner, and dessert plus gifted me with flowers, chocolates, and gift cards.  Hope it was also a special day for you all.

That's it.  What a full week!  Hope to see you next Tuesday.


  1. Happy belated Mother's Day! So exciting about Tyler's new girl friend! Enjoy having all 3 boys back home soon!

  2. You always have yummy food! Happy Mother's day! Exciting about Tyler's girl friend!
