Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Week 20

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  What is with this wind? The past 2 weeks it has not stopped and I am so not a fan of the wind especially when forced to sit in it for watching tennis.  This week is supposed to be better so we will see.  We're looking forward to the 3-day weekend and then more good things to come for a new month.  I can't believe school is almost over for Brandon and summer is just around the corner.  Hopefully it will be a much better summer than last year's.  At least it seems to be trending that way, and I'm good with that.

Here's a look at a more relaxed, less picture intense week than the last:

Day 137- Monday, 5/17/21

He likes to help me get dressed in the morning either that or he's asking me not to go.😺

Day 138- Tuesday, 5/18/21

There are only a few more tennis games left for the season.  This is the first of 3 for the week.  After that and dinner it was my turn to walk Bella.  It looks sunny and warm but the wind is wild and chilling.

Day 139- Wednesday, 5/19/21

Wednesday at work I had a blood draw for the usual job related titer checks and then watched my boss give her retirement seminar which was a fun walk down memory lane.  I've worked with her for 26 of the 32 years she's been at the University. We've accomplished and discovered so much over the years helping to save entire species of animals.  Thankfully I will be able to help continue some of that work for her moving forward in a different lab.  Back at home, we had orange chicken on this windy and cool day.  It feels more like March than May!

Day 140- Thursday, 5/20/21

One of the great things about having Justin back home is that he likes running errands with me.  He also just secured a job at the rec center for the summer after having no luck working anywhere last summer.  Later, tennis game 2 of 3 for the week while the clouds rolled in and rain fell off in the distance.  You can also se how windy it is again if you look at those palm trees.

Day 141- Friday, 5/21/21

Finally--lighter, brighter skies with very little wind.  It's a really nice afternoon and the pool is looking nice and inviting again.  The last tennis game for the week was in Davis and was the first game all week where it was pleasant enough out to enjoy watching. Plus Brandon and his tennis partner had an really long and intense doubles match that they ended up winning in a tie breaker set.  What a good game!  He's really come a long way this season which is great to see since he hasn't played tennis at all in the past couple years.  I love seeing how comfortable he feels on the court which is something that was lacking in basketball and largely coach related.  He really does like basketball more but is happier and more confident playing on the tennis team so I'm glad he decided to make the switch.

Day 142- Saturday, 5/22/21

Today I got caught up on chores and then we crossed the bridge into the big city to have dinner out with the Wongs.  Yay!  We haven't seen them in well over a year so it was great to get out and enjoy a meal together.  We ate in midtown at this really good Vietnam restaurant and can't wait to do it again.

Day 143- Sunday, 5/23/21

For Sunday family dinner we tried the outdoor pizza oven again with modifications and things went so much better this time around.  Sadly, Tyler was working out of town and couldn't join us but we'll for sure be doing it again sometime soon where he can join.  Yummy fresh-made pizza paired with a good Rose' makes for an excellent end to the week.

That's it!  Check back next week for more good times.


  1. Wind can be super annoying! Glad Justin got a job. That restaurant sounds so delicious!

  2. So great to catch up on what’s been going on in your life over the past month. I can’t believe how old the boys are!!!

  3. That pizza oven looks like it makes amazing pizza! Yeah on the summer job! So nice things are getting a little more normal that you can eat out and enjoy that! Have a great week!
