Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Week 36

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  Well, it was short lived, but we did actually get a little bit of rain last week, the fires are still burning but more contained so those in Tahoe evacuated can go back home, and we have had almost a full week of blue skies--just a few things to be thankful for.  Now if we can just get the temps down so it feels more like fall, end this pandemic, and get this annoying recall election over with we'll be set.

Take a look at last week's pictures:

Day 249- Monday, 9/6/21
Happy Labor Day!  We had a nice relaxing holiday ending with a good BBQ.  John made yummy cheese-stuffed burgers.

Day 250- Tuesday, 9/7/21
The afternoon backlighting was making this yellow beauty shine out front so it caught my eye as I left for a Booster's snack bar shift.  Last year there were no snack bars allowed so it's good to have them back for the club even if I'm not a huge fan of working them.  Only 15 more required hours to go, but hey, it's my last year so I can do it.

Day 251- Wednesday, 9/8/21
It's been a really hot week and we even broke a record today.  I surly felt it on the evening walk and throughout the night especially with no breeze to help cool things down.

Day 252- Thursday, 9/9/21
Wow!  We have clouds in the sky for the first time in forever and thunderstorms expected.  The sunrise I got to see near Davis this morning was amazing and we did actually get a some good rain with lightening later overnight.  The clouds didn't really cool the temps down but this pool-pump hose-blowout got me good and helped some.  I had to run out under the spray of water to turn the pump off and had an umbrella which did protect my head but not so much my pants and back.  At least it felt nice a cool and didn't really take long to dry in the heat.

Day 253- Friday, 9/10/21
I found these cute treats that are good for our old girl's joints and I think she's a fan.  LOL!  Total Pavlov's dog right here.   She can't help but turn on the drool machine anytime she sees a treat.  Cue the mop!  Then out on our walk it's still hot and seems strange to be wearing flipflops among fall leaves although these leaves are more brown from baking in the heat than from turning colors because of a season change.  It's not nearly cold enough for good fall color yet even if the dead leaves give us a fall feel.

Day 254- Saturday, 9/11/21
Today was senior picture day for Brandon.  Boys are so easy.  We were in and out in like 10 minutes and then enjoyed a nice cool treat together after.  Next up will be starting those college applications.  This year is going to fly by quick.

Day 255- Sunday, 9/12/21
First up was an early morning Target run to stock up on food for the pets and grab a few things for the game.  Meanwhile Tyler and Lupe came over and made us chorizo and eggs with fresh pressed corn tortillas.  Brunch was really good and I can't believe I missed getting a picture.  Oh well, next time.  I did snap a shot of these guys enjoying the game later though.  We were happy to have Uncle Raul join us and then to be able and visit with Aunty Wendy for a bit when she came to pick him up after the game.  Everyone was happy for a good win.

That's it!  See you next week.


  1. Crazy how hot it is by you! Good thing the Recall is over now!
    Stay cool!

  2. Catching up! Busy week for you!!! Fun to have everyone over for the game! You always have yummy food!
