Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Week 42

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  Well, we got the rain we've been asking for which is nice, but it was also a bit too much all at once. In some areas especially those with recent burn scars it created flooding and mudslides plus downed trees and a lot od car accidents. We just can't seem to win.  Hopefully, with this early start it means we'll have a good winter season with decent snow pack to get us back on track.  We got more rain in one day this week and we had in the entire past year! True to form we're in full on fall mode now as we approach the end of October.  Our weather always seems to flip that switch right around the week of Halloween.

Take a look at last week's picture to see how it all unfolded:

Day 291- Monday, 10/18/21

Looking out our side window I noticed that a low lying ground sprout from one of our trees that had this nice arched string of heart shaped leaves in various stages of turning color.  Then at work a bubble flaw on the front of this glass cat I recently got was bothering me so I was trying to figure out what to do about it when I discovered that the back side had this cute tail in the shape of heart.  Problem solved--I love it so much more facing tail out.

Day 292- Tuesday, 10/19/21

Speaking of cats, I'm super happy to have my morning critter friend back in good working condition and doing all the normal cat things he usually does.  It's just him and me in those early morning hours.  Later, I made some pumpkin bread for the masses.  I'll be sending some to Justin in a fall-themed care package, giving some to Tyler the next time he stops by, and enjoying some with Brandon as an after school snack.  John is not a fan, but that's ok because more for us ;0)

Day 293- Wednesday, 10/20/21

Wednesday at work I'm getting ready to swap my fall jacket out for my lab coat so I can get started on a huge sero-prevalence study involving 1200+ samples.  There are a lot of rain clouds outside so it's dark and moody here.  At home the sun was shining and Rusty found his sweet spot to soak it all up.  That shadow with those cute pointy ears is just too darling.

Day 294- Thursday, 10/21/21

We've had spotty rain on and off most of the week but not really enough to amount to anything significant just yet.  Apparently the big storm is coming soon.  This is perfect soup and sandwhich weather.  Grilled cheese and tomato is my favorite.

 Day 295- Friday, 10/22/21

Seems like over night all the neighborhood trees lining the street turned  a beautiful shade of yellow.  There have been hints of the color turn over the past couple weeks and now it's full on gorgeous.  Our Friday night movie was the new DUNE remake (part 1 anyway).  I saw the original in the movie theaters back in the day but only remember small visual details and not really the story line.  I might have to go back to watch and compare before seeing part 2 when it's released.  We watched at home on HBOmax while Tyler and Lupe saw it the theater.  Nice to have the option.

Day 296- Saturday, 10/23/21

Finally!  After his SAT and ACT test dates were cancelled 3 times each due to COVID this ACT test stuck so Brandon spent 1/2 his day taking a test.  Afterward we went out for lunch at In-N-Out.  Later back at home, John was planning on a motorcycle ride but decided that with the expected rain it was best to stay home, relax, and make some margaritas to go with our steak fajita dinner.  Wise choice as it got crazy out there real quick.

Day 297- Sunday, 10/24/21

Here we go breaking rainfall records today that were set back during goldrush times. The high winds and non-stop rain were the result of a "bomb cyclone" producing an atmospheric river that dumped a whole lot of rain in a short amount of time.  It was truly wet and wild--the perfect day to stay in, enjoy a nice big pancake breakfast, and hunker down for a nap while watching football.  

That's it!  We went out with a bang this week and we'll see you next week as we prepare to enter a new month.


  1. So glad you are getting rain!! Those fall treats are making me hungry!

  2. Crazy rain that you need! Crazy about the SAT and ACT! Glad he was finally able to get it done! Always love your pictures! Those pancakes look good! We love pancakes at our house!
