Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Week 7

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  I hope everyone had a nice long weekend.  For me it came at just the right time giving me a much needed break from the very busy start of the new year.  Work has been pretty insane with so many people so driven to start new projects all at the same time.  Hopefully the mad rush is coming to an end and we can all settle into a more comfortable pace for the rest of the year. 

Until then here are last week's pictures that include a more hearts, whole lot of spring, a bit of dreaming, and a quick trip thrown in:

Day 45 - Monday, 2/14/22

Happy Valentine's Day!  Since we already celebrated yesterday by going out today we stayed in enjoying pizza, champagne, and dessert.

Day 46- Tuesday, 2/15/22

Here are some pretty red flowers blooming in the backyard and some yummy chocolates in the house.  See's made special heart shaped candies for this Valentine's season and we love them.

Day 47- Wednesday, 2/16/22

We are having another great weather week with a lot of sunshine bringing on more spring flowers.  The pool area is coming back to life again.  Later after school and work Brandon and I flew to San Diego.  He has Thursday through Monday off from school so it was the perfect time to take a quick college tour trip down south.  John stayed back to work and watch the pets.

Day 48- Thursday, 2/17/22

We were excited to find a Breakfast Republic right between our hotel and the first school to tour.  Yum!  Then we toured San Diego State and UC San Diego before driving north a bit to Cal State Long Beach which just so happens to be close to Brandon's online girlfriend of over a year.  It was fun to see them meet in person for the first time and then to get to know eachother even better over dinner with her parents.

Day 49- Friday, 2/18/22

Today we hit up 2 more schools-- Cal State Fullerton and Cal Poly Pomona.  After that we had a good chunk of time to kill before our flight home so we took in a movie.  Our flight to head home took off just after dark.  Bye-bye city lights.  I won't miss the traffic or the parking craziness, but I know Brandon will be missing his girlfriend.

Day 50- Saturday, 2/19/22

Back at home I was surprised to see our tree out front had bloomed while we were gone.  It was also nice to be back and still have 3 days off to spend at home before heading back to the grind.  I was able to finally finish my 2022 goals in the bullet journal and love the way these pages turned out.  Bella and I also took a nice long walk spying yellow dandelions here and there.  Feels more like March than February.

Day 51- Sunday, 2/20/22

Last week I booked our summer anniversary trip to Greece!! And I have been collecting items I need for the trip so I decided to take a quick picture of my collection. We can't wait to do some international travel again.  For Sunday dinner John made a tasty tri-tip roast with all the fixings as we caught up with Tyler who we missed last week.  He was recently promoted at Curative and is now in charge of his own COVID testing site in Elk Grove at Calif. Northstate University.  He started last week so it was nice to hear how it's all going with his own team of 3.

That's it!  Hope to see you back next week as we start to wrap up this month.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Week 6

Happy Tuesday and welcome back!  I hope everyone had a great Valentine's day yesterday.  This past week leading up to the big day I saw a lot of hearts and a lot more signs of spring.  It was yet another beautiful sunny and warm week.  We'll be holding out for rain to come soon.

Until then here are last week's pictures:

Day 38- Monday, 2/7/22

I'm starting the week off with hearts in my bowl.  Cheerios brought back heart shapes in their cereals for February.  

Day 39- Tuesday, 2/8/22

Here's Rusty seeking out attention after I got home from work and then there was a nice warm and dark dog walk through the park for me and Bella.

Day 40- Wednesday, 2/9/22

I got a new pair of flipflops for summer and they came with these cute foam hearts between the toe straps.  Meanwhile Brandon started real tennis practice and not just conditioning so now he's one with his racket again, and he finally got his team shirt they were supposed to get from last season.

Day 41- Thursday, 2/10/22

I'm here at work this morning with one of my dandelion shirts and then this afternoon it seemed like the park was full of them in bloom.

Day 42- Friday, 2/11/22

Must be Friday because Bella is ready to have her treat toy filled.  She's so smart at figuring them out that we had to buy her this new one to challenge her even more and it's worked out well.  In other news we've been watching the Winter Olympics here and there the past couple weeks.  All the skiing, boarding and ice skating are our favorites.

Day 43- Saturday, 2/12/22

Daffodils and high gas bills.  LOL!  That totally sums up my Saturday.  I had to run into work first thing this morning for a few minutes and spied these lovely spring flowers shining in the sun as I was heading out so of course I had to stop and take a picture.   Then right after I got home I realized my tank was low and needed to be filled up before Brandon took the car to work.  Ouch is all I gotta say about that.

Day 44- Sunday, 2/13/22

We decided to celebrate Valentine's today with dinner and a movie since we weren't that into the Super Bowl and knew Monday would not be the best day for a date night.  The rom-com movie was great and the sunset near the Tower Bridge even better.  Cheers to us babe!

That's all for this week.  See you next week after a nice long holiday weekend.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Week 5

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  It's only early February and we're in full on spring here with temps in the mid 70's expected for the next couple weeks.  There are so many plants in bloom and trees starting to bud.  It's kind of sad though because it's too early and there is no rain in sight.  Seriously it's ok for winter to last through this month and then bring spring on in March. We'll probably have a really wet April or May but we'd rather have the sunshine then instead of now. Oh well! There's not much we can do except enjoy what we have now and take what comes as we plug on.

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 31- Monday, 1/31/22

Nothing but blue skies and sunshine here.  One my Christmas gifts was a photo lens-ball that I've yet to really play with so I thought this beautiful day was a great day to give it a try out in the backyard.  I can't wait to take it out on more fun locations.  Later, on this warm day, ice-cream with leftover brownies was the perfect way to start the week after a long day back in the trenches.

Day 32- Tuesday, 2/1/22

It's super windy today but also super sunny.  I was outside trying to get a picture of my new sweater and necklace received for my birthday, but the wind and sun was making it difficult see what pictures I was even taking.  Thankfully I liked how this last one turned out.  The necklace is made with pieces of plastic pulled from the ocean and the money used to purchase it helps fund further efforts to rid the ocean of plastics. Other than that Happy February!  Bella was kind enough to pose with my monthly marker.  She's such a sweet girl which is so fitting for this month.

Day 33- Wednesday, 2/2/22

Brandon made some good money working over the holidays and continues to work some during the school year so he's saving money to buy a car and to help with college expenses in the fall but also treats himself every now and then to a new toy.  Today his most recent fun purchase arrived--a VR oculus headset.  It's so funny to watch someone play on one of these things, but he enjoys it so good for him!  I did get to try it out for a bit and I have to admit it's pretty cool.

Day 34- Thursday, 2/3/22

Here are some signs of spring I'm seeing.  Our destroyed lawn outback has at least started to sprout these pretty white weed flowers.  Also in the park even though you can't see it with the sun setting most of the trees have new leaf buds just waiting to pop.

Day 35- Friday, 2/4/22

TGIF and cheers to the weekend!  We watched this new movie that just dropped on Netflix starring Kevin James and produced by Adam Sandler.  It's based on a true story and was way better than I thought it would be.

Day 36- Saturday, 2/5/22

I'm starting the weekend off with morning coffee by lantern light.  This cute little lantern is collapsible and USB chargeable so it's not only great around the house especially for navigating the stairs after dark but also for traveling or camping or late night dog walks. I could use a couple more!  Midday while working on bills and journals and working out I was also binge watching this new Kristen Bell series which was really good and kept me guessing. Then in the evening John and I enjoyed a nice pork tenderloin dinner together--just the two of us. This happens a lot more lately now that Brandon is working and will eventually become our new normal once fall rolls around and we become empty nesters.

Day 37- Sunday, 2/6/22

I got the future log in my bullet journal done this weekend.  This is the 1st 6 months and the next 2 pages are pretty much the same thing for the last 6 months.  Now to get those list pages set up and ready to use.  I also made an applesauce cake today to enjoy after dinner while we watched the new episode of 1883 which airs every Sunday on Paramount+.

OK! That's it for this week and hope to see you back next week.