Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Week 6

Happy Tuesday and welcome back!  I hope everyone had a great Valentine's day yesterday.  This past week leading up to the big day I saw a lot of hearts and a lot more signs of spring.  It was yet another beautiful sunny and warm week.  We'll be holding out for rain to come soon.

Until then here are last week's pictures:

Day 38- Monday, 2/7/22

I'm starting the week off with hearts in my bowl.  Cheerios brought back heart shapes in their cereals for February.  

Day 39- Tuesday, 2/8/22

Here's Rusty seeking out attention after I got home from work and then there was a nice warm and dark dog walk through the park for me and Bella.

Day 40- Wednesday, 2/9/22

I got a new pair of flipflops for summer and they came with these cute foam hearts between the toe straps.  Meanwhile Brandon started real tennis practice and not just conditioning so now he's one with his racket again, and he finally got his team shirt they were supposed to get from last season.

Day 41- Thursday, 2/10/22

I'm here at work this morning with one of my dandelion shirts and then this afternoon it seemed like the park was full of them in bloom.

Day 42- Friday, 2/11/22

Must be Friday because Bella is ready to have her treat toy filled.  She's so smart at figuring them out that we had to buy her this new one to challenge her even more and it's worked out well.  In other news we've been watching the Winter Olympics here and there the past couple weeks.  All the skiing, boarding and ice skating are our favorites.

Day 43- Saturday, 2/12/22

Daffodils and high gas bills.  LOL!  That totally sums up my Saturday.  I had to run into work first thing this morning for a few minutes and spied these lovely spring flowers shining in the sun as I was heading out so of course I had to stop and take a picture.   Then right after I got home I realized my tank was low and needed to be filled up before Brandon took the car to work.  Ouch is all I gotta say about that.

Day 44- Sunday, 2/13/22

We decided to celebrate Valentine's today with dinner and a movie since we weren't that into the Super Bowl and knew Monday would not be the best day for a date night.  The rom-com movie was great and the sunset near the Tower Bridge even better.  Cheers to us babe!

That's all for this week.  See you next week after a nice long holiday weekend.


  1. Ouch to that gas charge!! The sunset over the bridge is so pretty.

  2. We watched the same movie for Valentines' day! Also loving the Olympics! It definitely looks like spring and we got 4 inches of snow and had school cancelled last week! Such a difference! I am ready for spring! love your new sandals! So cute and beautiful flowers! have a great week!
