Welcome back and happy Tuesday! I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. It was much cooler and more windy than we would have liked but we where together as family to make the most of it even with out our traditional dip in the pool. We've got a full house for a couple more days anyway and it's been fun to say the least. I'm looking forward to another road trip this time headed north to the big trees which never disappoints.
Until then here are last week's pictures:
I started my work week off spending Monday on the microscope. We had another onslaught of samples which meant a lot of slides to read and reports to get out. Thankfully I also had a sample to run to another building so I was able to stretch my legs, soak up some sun, and say hello to a pair of ducks along the way. These two have been hanging around for a few weeks together and I think they are a mating pair. They are also a lot more friendly than the wild turkeys hanging around.

Day 143- Tuesday, 5/23/23
It's nice on remote work days to be able to take breaks at home. I can retreat to the backyard to smell the roses or play with Rusty to reset the mind. Later this evening we watched a newly released to streaming movie. It was very emotional but also very well done and had a good ending. It's hard to go wrong with a Tom Hanks movie.
John gave me that framed sunset picture of the boys at the beach for Mother's Day and I was having a hard time finding a place for it at home (open concept houses don't have much wall space) so I brought it to work. Makes me smile every time I see it here which means this spot was meant to be. Back at home after dinner we watched the season finale of Survivor where YamYam won. This group did really well and unlike past seasons it was hard to know who would be on top in the end.
He's back! I stayed late at work so I could wait for Justin's train arriving in Davis. Right after I picked him up we picked up pizza at Woodstock's and celebrated his return with a family pizza party. You can bet Rusty was super happy to see him again as well although he's always a little standoffish at first like he's mad that Justin was gone for so long but seems to getsover it quickly.
This was a nice treat for a Friday at work and a good way to end the work week--we got to attend a lunch talk by the Critter Fixer vets who are in town to also speak at the Vet School's commencement tonight. They are very funny and have great personalities and outlooks on the profession with insight that most of us would not normally need to think about. Dr. Ferguson was also hugging everyone on the way out and I got one of those hugs. Super cool! I need to check out their show. I've seen it in passing while channel surfing but didn't really know the backstory until now. Back at home the napping buddies are together again and have wasted no time enjoying a nice long snooze here and there.
Day 147- Saturday, 5/27/23
Justin and John have a favorite donut guy in town that they haven't seen in over a year since John first got sick so today Justin went with John to have a visit. He did miss them and had thought John had retired or we had moved away or something. It was nice for them to reconnect but the visits will not be as frequent as they were in the past. Donuts are not the best for his current health diet and this guy always gives John more than he asks or even pays for. Later I spent some time out in the yard and noticed that we have ladybugs everywhere which I don't remember seeing before now. It's a good thing they are here too because the aphids are also in full force so I need those ladybugs to help keep them in check.
Day 148- Sunday, 5/28/23
Today the guys were working out back. Justin was replacing hanging lightbulbs that were out and clips that had busted while John and Brandon worked on replacing landscape lights. They also cleaned up the grill and brought out the cushions for the patio furniture. We're prepping for the holiday tomorrow so we can have a nice BBQ rib dinner after enjoying time in the pool providing it warms up a bit.
That's it! Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you next week after a quick trip to Humboldt and back.