Welcome back and happy Tuesday! Last week was a catch-up week. I've been away a lot lately with travels to and from with the college kids and now it's time to get things done at home and work that had to be put on hold. It was not the most exciting week but still a good productive one and at least the weather has been very mild for this time of year which has been pleasant.
Here are last week's pictures:
Day 156- Monday, 6/5/23
Somewhere in my travels I picked up a small shard of metal in my left rear tire that caused it to lose most of it's air while sitting all in the garage all weekend. It was not the best way to start my week but it's all patched now and good to go.
I got this cute hand-painted candy bunny from a friend on her travels to Europe that was almost too pretty to eat--almost! :0) Poor Rusty is super clingy this week missing Justin. He really wishes the kid would just stay home.
Finally I noticed our lilies bloomed out front. They usually bloom in May so they are a little late and I'm happy to see them back. Later, after driving home from PT, John walks in like it's no big thing! He's loving his independence which is great to see and frees up a lot of time for me.
Day 160- Friday, 6/9/23
I'm loving the longer green season right now and I really should prune these leaf sprouts from the bottom of the tree but they make me smile so I'll keep them until the summer heat starts to fry them. Out in that garage John is back at it with the tunes. This was his normal Friday thing after work and he's looking to make it a regular Friday thing again. This for sure was the one thing our neighbors missed seeing him do over the past year and the way they all knew something was up in the beginning because he wasn't out there playing his music anymore.
Day 161- Saturday, 6/10/23
I meant to get my car washed last Saturday but that was when I discovered the flat tire so I had to wait until this Saturday. It was so dusty and dirty plus covered with smashed bugs from my two road trips in May--looks WAY better now! Otherwise today was all about house chores and catnaps.
Day 162- Sunday, 6/11/23
It was a beautiful day for a wine club pickup at a couple places locally and I found a wine I loved but have been missing for the past 10 years. It went out of productions for awhile and then the winery moved locations but I just discovered that they are back and making this wine again--Yay! It's the perfect summer wine.
That's it for the week. See again soon.
I am just so glad to see John making so many gains!! His smile says it all.
ReplyDeleteSo happy to see John walking and doing his music again. Means so much to get back to things a little more normal! Love your flowers! Good to catch up!