Welcome back and happy Tuesday! It was another slow week with not too much going on so you'll see a lot of garden and cat pictures. LOL! We really need to get out more but that's hard to do with work schedules, Dr visits, and PT. We do have some time off scheduled for next week, 4th of July week, so we're hoping to squeeze in more fun then. It's crazy that we are almost to July and it still hasn't been warm enough to use our pool even just once this summer, but I hear the usual excessive heat for us is coming very soon.
Until then here are last week's pictures:
Day 170-Monday, 6/19/23
I was admiring these new blue blooms out back after work when I spied our resident lizard chilling on a rock. I was supposed to be home today for Juneteenth but I was helping with a work training event that got schedule and confirmed with a bunch of international guests coming before they realized today is a holiday. No worries, it turned out to be a fun event to be part of and I got free lunch plus an upcoming dinner for helping out.
Day 171- Tuesday, 6/20/23
It was a bit chilly out so I turned on the oven and made some chicken and potatoes for dinner to help warm us up from the inside out. It is June, right? Sure doesn't feel like it around here.
Wednesday at work I'm playing catch up on lab data entry and back at home Rusty is finally feeling more independent and being less clingy. I found him curled up in my closet resting in his bed and not wanting to come out and greet me after work--also sign that it's a bit chilly still because he won't sleep here if it's too warm.
Today is warmer-- my cactus and Rusty both like it. It's good to see him playing on his own again instead of just following me around.
Day 174- Friday, 6/23/23
Our oleanders were trimmed way back in early spring and again with the house was being painted so they took awhile to bloom but are showing all their glory now. Rusty says TGIF! All his independent efforts this week wore him out so now he's up for a good Friday cuddle.
Day 175- Saturday, 6/24/23
I'm enjoying the slow start to my weekend in some new summer PJs which will be perfect when it warms up a bit more and I can lose the sweater. The rest of the day I was cleaning house and focused a lot of attention on our office desk that was overrun by papers. Thankfully I was able to throw away all the "explanation of benefits" related to John's lengthy hospital stay last year. That finally got sorted out so I can wash my hands of it. I swear the insurance company killed a whole grove of trees with the amount of unnecessary duplicated mail they sent us. This space looks so much more calming and useable now. I wish I had taken a before picture but got into a purging groove and forgot.

Day 176- Sunday, 6/25/23
We're enjoying some wine out back on this nice summer evening while John grills us some steaks. It's great to have him helping out more and standing tall again. I don't miss the chair at all! The rest of my day was spent ordering stuff for our new bigger bed which should be coming soon.
That's it! See you next week and I hope you enjoy your 4th of July!!
Love all the flowers! So pretty! Enjoy the cooler weather, we are over 100 here now. Ugh. Insurance companies just like to send lots and lots of paperwork...Good to see John standing and grilling! Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteJohn looks amazing with you at the grill!