Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Week 46

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  We are enjoying a full house again and it's nice for a good change of pace.  Now I have to step up my meal planning and cooking game but I don't mind.  It's so great to see all 3 boys back together again razzing each other and wanting to play competitive games for fun.  Thankfully I have the week off to enjoy all that with them.

Now for last week's pictures:

Day 317- Monday 11/13/23

Nothing Bundt Cakes for work Fall birthdays.  Yum!

Day 318- Tuesday,  11/14/23

On my lunch break I was able to run out to See's and pick up the chocolate turkeys for the big day.  Last year I waited too long and almost couldn't find any.  Later at home it was cold in the house so as soon as I sat down Rusty joined me for a nice warm nap.

Day 319- Wednesday, 11/15/23

Wednesday at work as I walked across campus to pick up a sample I marvel at all the colorful fall leaves littering the ground.  It was windy yesterday so a lot of leaves were dropped overnight.  Outside at home I spied a good number of lemons ripening up on our neighbor's tree and thankfully a lot of them are one our side of the fence.  I can't wait to put them to good use especially since last year there were hardly any to be found.

Day 320- Thursday, 11/16/23

Since I knew the boys would be home soon I made sure the traditional fall candy dish was full and ready for them.  First home was Brandon.  He flew in at 10 pm this evening and was eager to sleep in his very own bed cave again.  Yawn--it's way past everyone's bedtime.

Day 321- Friday, 11/17/23

TGIF!  As I head out from work and get ready to fight the traffic home I see there is a storm brewing.  The skies look angry and heavy rain is expected tonight into tomorrow.

Day 322- Saturday, 11/18/23

 Justin made the long journey home today first by bus and then by train. While we waited for him we saw rain bursts after rain burst before the clouds finally parted and the sun came out in full force.  Thankfully the weather did not affect Justin's travels and when he arrived was pleasantly surprised that John was there with me to greet him at the train station in Davis..

Day 323- Sunday, 11/19/23

Fun times with the boys after Sunday dinner.  Our house and hearts are full.

That's it!  Have a fabulous Thanksgiving all.  May you be blessed to gather with wonderful family and/or great friends.

1 comment:

  1. John looks so good! What a blessing to have everyone home!! I love the lemon tree! That is awesome! I am excited to see what you do with them!
