Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Week 48

Welcome back and happy Tuesday! Last week was a super busy work week but at least we got a fieldtrip thrown in there which was fun. Also the holiday stress has started to set in. Time to kick start decorating and Christmas shopping.  Lots to do!

Until then here are last week's pictures:

Day 331- Monday, 11/27/23

It was a pretty fall day on campus as I ran around chasing after clinical samples that got misdelivered over the long holiday weekend.  Inside at PT John was putting in some good leg work to start his week off right.

Day 332- Tuesday, 11/28/23

It's been super cold out with frosty mornings. Rusty was happy I was working from home today so he could have a warm body to snuggle up with as I took breaks. When the sun went down and it got colder he buried his face in the blanket on my lap. He likes to at least have his nose covered if he's cold.

Day 333- Wednesday, 11/29/23

Wednesday at work was a long one.  Our team is bulking up for a vaccine trial which means setting up  3x the normal  number of flasks that are 3x the normal size and spending 3x the amount of time in the bio-safety cabinet. In addition, I had new people to train for a new serology project that also took a lot of time and effort. I was the first one there today and the last to leave but slept really well that night. Oh, and thank goodness for free Pad Thai leftovers from a work gathering somewhere in our building otherwise I wouldn't have had a chance to eat.

Day 334- Thursday, 11/30/23

Today was another long day but a fun work day since we had an off-site meeting at The Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito near San Francisco. We have a new grant project we're collaborating on and had our first big group meeting there.  It was so nice to see their beautiful rehab facility and meet all the people we mostly correspond with by email or zoom in person. They have the best view from their conference room, provided us with an amazing lunch, and the weather was perfect.  We also got to see some of the patients we test samples from even though we couldn't get really close. The whole day was very inspiring and now I have so many new publication ideas swirling around in my head.

Day 335- Friday, 12/1/23

Happy December and TGIF!  After work I was able to get out more Christmas decorations.  It wasn't much but I at least got the kitchen pig dressed for the monthly marker shot and the stockings hung.  More to come this weekend.

Day 336- Saturday, 12/2/23

While grabbing a few necessities at the store I also picked up a poinsettia to add in to the Christmas décor.  It's slowly but surely coming together and takes longer without my elves here to help.  Later I played around a bit with my camera and the tree lights to come up with some shots that gave off a couple cool effects. That 3rd picture is visualizing the tree through the bottom of my empty wine glass-who would have thought?

Day 337- Sunday, 12/3/23

In this house Sundays are for football especially when the 49ers are playing. Tyler came over to watch the game with John and they were both really happy with this big win. Also, over the weekend, we finally finished the final season of Suits and moved on to the The Crown. Tonight we cozied up with a fire and started watching the first season by tree-light.

All done!  Check back next week for more December fun.


  1. Let's not talk about that Eagles/49ers game...ugh. Sounds like you had a busy work week!

  2. Busy work week, but that Marine Mammal Center looks beautiful! Love all the decorations and cool Christmas tree pictures!
