Hello and welcome back. I'm playing catch up here. Last weekend was super busy so no time for the computer and then once the work week starts forget about it. At least for the most part I was enjoying time with others so it's all good.
Here are last week's pictures:

Day 155- Monday, 6/3/24
We started the week with a nice, cool, cloud-covered day but once these clouds blow out we're looking at triple digits again. Back at home the yard is thriving when it's cool but then gets quickly stressed in the extreme heat so I'm expecting most of the flowers we have will be toast by the end of the week. At least we could enjoy them today.
Day 156- Tuesday, 6/4/24
Rusty is enjoying a morning nap on my lap before the heat hits hard and he retreats to a cool closet somewhere. At least working remote I can dress cooler and avoid being in a hot car during commute hours. The pool is for sure warm enough now and looks so inviting. Justin even took a dip to cool off after doing a little yard work. The high was 103 today.
Day 157- Wednesday, 6/5/24
We're finding ways to beat the heat. Thank goodness for fans and shade structures.

Day 158- Thursday, 6/6/24
I saw this cute dog toy at Target and couldn't resist. A chocolate donut for a chocolate lab! It turned out to be just the what she needed too. She has been losing her baby teeth so her mouth is sore and she is not wanting to chew on hard things like a bone so this soft plush is perfect. I was lucky enough to find her most recent lost tooth today on the floor right by my backpack. At first when I went to pick it up I thought it was one of Rusty's cat claws.
Day 159- Friday, 6/7/24
TGIF and cooler! Some of our flowers survived the heat at least--others not so much. For dinner this is what we call "finger food Friday" and perfect pairing with drinks plus a new release movie.
Bailey and John love their lazy morning naps together. She especially loves his soft robe. I'm not too sure how long she can nap on him like that though. She is getting too big and so fast! It's a good thing John rested up because later we had a retirement party to attend for our good friend Andy and John was DJ spinning tunes well into the night.
Day 161- Sunday, 6/9/24
Rusty watching me get bills paid this morning and Bailey watching me squeeze in some yard work before heading out to spend the rest of the day with friends from the retirement party before they all head home. Later in the evening Bailey and I went out on a nice walk and admired some vibrant summer flowers.
That's all! See you in a few days for the next week if I can get pictures up in time.
Stay cool!! Bailey just gets cuter and cuter!