Hello and welcome back! Here we are in the last week of June. I swear now days I blink and lose 3 weeks just like that. Last week was super busy at work and home but what else is new? For the weekend we threw a summer BBQ party which was fun but also interesting with the puppy and unfortunately was held on the only triple digit day of the week so super hot. Thank goodness for AC and great shade trees out back.
Here are last week's pictures:
Day 169- Monday 6/17/24
Here's to the dawn of a new week! I had a lot of bench work to get done in the lab today and tomorrow will not be my usual remote work day since I have hamsters to tend on campus but Wednesday is a holiday so looking forward to that.

Day 170- Tuesday, 6/18/24
After work today I spent some time out back surveying what needs to be done in the yard to get ready for a BBQ party we are hosting Saturday. Sadly most of our flower blooms from the past month are gone but I did find this one looking fresh and cool in the shade by the pool. Otherwise we have a lot of hedge trimming to do. I also finished watching the last episode in season 3 of Bridgerton today and was happy part 2 dropped late last week so I could work through it over the weekend and into the first part of this week.I wasn't sure exactly how this season would end but happy how it played out.
Day 171- Wednesday, 6/19/24
It's the Juneteenth holiday so I'm home helping Justin work in the yard getting those hedges trimmed. We have so many that it took both of us pretty much all day and we'll need more time in the next couple days to finish. Bailey was happy to sit out in the cool grass supervising.
On the way home from work I picked up some fresh potted flowers to help make our front entry more inviting and later when it was cooler I took Bailey for an evening walk. She's good about sitting and waiting at door thresholds because she know she gets a cookie. Treat motivated dogs are the easiest to train! We love these little heart treats too. She like the flavor and crunch and I like how they are scored making it easy to split them in half so she's not eating too many in a day.
Day 173- Friday, 6/21/24
TGIF! It's been a busy work week and we're still busy prepping for the BBQ tomorrow but at least now I'm done with work and can focus on that. Tonight it was nice to veg out and watch this mindless, over the top, shark thriller of a movie. It was bit strange and unrealistic to be set in Paris but still a good watch and interesting premise.
Day 174- Saturday, 6/22/24
We're welcoming guests and having a fun party even if it is 103 degrees outside. Thank goodness for the pool outside and the AC inside. So much great food, friends and good times but very few pictures since I didn't have my phone on me much.
Day 175- Sunday, 6/23/24
Rusty needed some cuddle time in the quiet of the morning after yesterday's full house. He's not a fan of visitors and hid in our closet upstairs the whole time. Bailey was a bit overwhelmed at first too but did settle into accepting the chaos and became more confident and relaxed around all the new people she met. It was a good socialization event for her. The best part for us now is all the leftovers. I won't have too cook for most of next week. These chicken wings were prepped and ready for the party but didn't even make it out because we already had plenty of food. At least they hit the spot for dinner tonight.
That wraps up another full week. See you next week as we start a new month. Wow!
Those wings look good! Stay cool!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice way to cool off in the pool and that food on that does are awesome looking,
ReplyDeleteFound your post at Randomosity. My entries this week are numbered #31+32
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