Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Week 26

Hello and welcome back!  I'm so glad this is a holiday week because last week beat me down at work and I really I a break.  It's been hot and this week will be super hot so that's been draining as well.  We'll just have to make good use of the pool and find other ways to beat the heat.

Now for last week's pictures:

Day 176- Monday 6/24/24

 Bella used to do this --lay at her master's feet.  It's cute to see Bailey do it too.  With the summer heat she has started laying on the hard cool floor more and more.

Day 177- Tuesday, 6/25/24

The cloud cover and rain were surprising this morning but unfortunately it was still hot and muggy. At least the new flowers I put out front are holding surprisingly well in the heat. No remote work for me this week with all the in-lab activity on campus continuing to go on..

Day 178- Wednesday, 6/26/24

After work today I was finally able to squeeze in an eye appointment.  I could tell the past couple months it was time for a stronger prescription and I was right.  

Day 179- Thursday, 6/27/24

We're starting a training class with Bailey run by one of our close college friends Janelle who owns this beautiful property outside of Woodland.  This was a trial class and it went really well so in a couple weeks we'll be going on Tuesday evenings, heat permitting.  Thankfully there was plenty of shade and a good breeze today.

Day 180- Friday, 6/28/24

FGIF! I was exhausted after work but Bailey had puppy zoomies she needed to get out of her system before we could both settle down to relax.  Those zoomies are no joke!  Our Friday night movie was another new release on Netfix that was fun and easy going with a better ending than I had expected.  Kathy Bates was in it too and I liked her character the most.

Day 181- Saturday, 6/29/24

Another napping pet.  Sleeping is the way the pets deal with the heat and if they can expose their belly then all the better.  For us we retreated into a nice cold theater to watch this intense movie.  The whole cat part was a bit far fetched but the rest was all good.

Day 182- Sunday, 6/30/24

Before enjoying a nice family dinner we enjoy some time cooling off in the pool.  Even though the pool's water temp was 80 it still felt refreshing compared to the air temperature outside well above 100.  At least the hot summer sky looked pretty once the sun went down and the yard started to light up.

That wraps up another full week and another month!  Hope everyone has a safe and fun 4th!

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