Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Week 32

Hello and welcome back!  Of course it was another hot week but we did have a cooling trend towards the end that we are still enjoying and much appreciate. Otherwise we made the most of staying cool inside until we could enjoy more time outside.  The pup of course would prefer the latter.

Take a peek at last week's pictures: 

Day 218- Monday, 8/5/24

Speaking of the pup, playing fetch inside is the best way to exercise Bailey when it's too hot outside to let her run or to even go on a walk.  Justin was helping me entertain her this afternoon while John was at PT and I think she wore him out.  He sleeps while she's still go-go-go!

Day 219- Tuesday, 8/6/24

Got to love fresh summer produce gifted by good neighbors and cool pjs with a fun summer vibe.  Got to hate that it was too hot and puppy class was canceled again.  Hopefully next week.

Day 220- Wednesday, 8/7/24

Wednesday at work brings us random piles on my desk as we try to wrap up many of our summer research projects and a couple "pluots" from my boss's ranch.  Apparently they are a cross of plums and apricots.  Strange thought but the flavor is surprisingly nice.  They need a better name though.  Back at home a gentle delta breeze kicked in allowing us to finally enjoy an evening walk.  These pink clover flowers I mentioned last week were here to walk through again but then a couple days later the whole lawn was mowed over and they are now all gone!

Day 221- Thursday, 8/8/24

The pets and the stares I get from them. LOL!  Not sure why Bailey looks so sad.  I think maybe her tummy is telling her it's time for dinner and I'm telling her not yet.  Then Rusty is contemplating whether I'm worthy enough to have him on my lap today or not.  That's how cats roll--always on their terms and not nearly as eager to please as dogs.

Day 222- Friday, 8/9/24

TGIF!  Its a Costco frozen piazza kind of night--cool enough to turn the oven on for a change.  John made us refreshing tequila sunrise drinks with bendy straws for fun, and Justin is tired and hungry after a long day at work.  Then we streamed the new Planet of the Apes movie on Hulu as we settled in for the night.

Day 223- Saturday, 8/10/24

We had family dinner tonight with Tyler and Lupe instead of tomorrow due to conflicting plans and I made stuffed jumbo pasta shells which were super yummy.  Later we watched this funny new rom-com on Prime.  It ended up being a very international type of evening.

Day 224- Sunday, 8/11/24

Yay for a cool day and some time for the pup in the yard on the cool grass.  I lucked out and caught the setting sun rays right as they arched over her bouncing off my lens.  Then we put her in her dog run for some quiet time while we went out to a see the new Deadpool movie.  It was good and funny as well as wildly inappropriate at times but that was to be expected given the tone in the pervious Deadpool films.  Afterwards Justin went out with friends and it was too late to cook so John picked up take out for dinner.  Not a bad way to end a good week.

That wraps up another full week.  See you next time.

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