Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Week 38

Hello and welcome back.  We had a really nice Indian summer type of week to help us get into that fall mood.  We all are hoping the cooling trend will continue but there are at least a few more 100 degree days expected before the end of the month.  If it's just a few I'm OK with that and happy summer is now officially over.

Here are last week's pictures: 

 Day 260- Monday, 9/16/24

We started the week with stormy skies and a small bit or rain here and there.  It was a perfect day for a nice long walk and some good comfort food.

Day 261- Tuesday, 9/17/24

With the cooler weather puppy class today was able to happen and we got to walk as a pack out by the raptor and equine centers on the Davis campus. Justin joined us since John is not great with long walks on uneven ground just yet.

Day 262- Wednesday, 9/18/24

Justin also like spending time with Rusty and is brushing him with a back scratch type of cat comb.  It's the only one he'll let us use on him and he's shedding like crazy so it's nice we found one that works to help comb out all the dead hair.  Later the new season of Survivor started--season 47!

Day 263- Thursday, 9/19/24

I guess it's a napping type of day.  You can see that shedding fur of Rusty's that I was talking about--no way to escape it right now until things cool off for good and he gets his sleeker winter coat.  Bailey sleeping is such a sweet sight to see.  Anytime she finally decides to nap and not need our attention is a time when we all get to relax.

Day 264- Friday, 9/20/24

Happy Friday!  At puppy class Janelle showed us how to use Bailey's training collar and leash as a DIY harness to help with pulling, and I was reluctant as first but it really does make a big difference so now our walks can a be more enjoyable with less struggle.  When we got back from the walk we pulled the appetizers out of the oven for a finger food Friday dinner and watched this new streaming movie.  It was better than I expected but the ending left me feeling like there should be more so maybe a sequel is in the works?

Day 265- Saturday, 9/21/24

Mid-week I don't have time for anything but grab and go breakfast so on the weekends I like to take the time so enjoy some cereal after having my coffee and this is my go to favorite.  Meanwhile, John still has to take daily vitals and keep a log for his doctors so they can catch any weird changes quickly to make adjustments with medications if needed. Later we found this scary movie streaming and are looking forward to watching more scary movies leading up to Halloween.  Tis the season and this one was a good one to kick us off with.

Day 266- Sunday, 9/22/24

Today is the 1st day of fall and I'm feeling those fall vibes.  Back inside, Bailey was feel those ball vibes.  This is an old ball John found tucked away in the garage from Bella's days and Bailey had a blast with it.  She was entertained for a good hour which was great.  The only issue is because it's hard plastic it make a lot of noise on the floors but even so it still is fun to see her have so much fun with it.

All done and ready for more great fall goodness to come.  Hope to see you back next week.

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