Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Week 39

Hello and welcome back. I'm running late this week. It's only Wednesday and it's been so busy I feel like it should already be Friday--wishful thinking.  It's also super hot again which is not helping with energy levels or good sleep to recharge.  The heat can be so draining.  Hopefully now that it's October things will get better as we continue into the fall season.  Otherwise last week very eventful with all good things.

Here's a peek at how it all went down:

Day 267- Monday, 9/23/24

Happy birthday to our oldest son Tyler!  We celebrated yesterday with presents, pizza and cake and I'm putting those pictures here because this is his day.

Day 268- Tuesday, 9/24/24

This morning I was able to get the fall wreath hung on the door and set out a few other fall decorations.  I can't go to crazy and need to make sure things are up high so Bailey doesn't get to them.  She is for sure still going through a destructive stage and just loves to rip things apart.  Later it was a big day for Justin--he bought his first car and was super nervous about driving it home but did great.

Day 269- Wednesday, 9/25/24

After work I took Justin to the cardiologist.  He is the last of our boys to get his base line cardio work up so they have it one file for future reference.  Next up they will all be getting an ultrasound of the heart in November and should be set for preventative care in that realm.  Not long after this appointment we headed to Woodland, and look at Bailey strutting in like boss at puppy class. She's really come in her own here.  It's usually on Tuesdays but was moved to today because yesterday was too hot for them to be outside and today feels so much better out.  We also got to walk through the orchard at sunset once formal training was over.  It's beautiful and very peaceful on this country farm.


Day 270- Thursday, 9/26/24

There are so many things going on this week!  Tonight is the UC Davis Raptor Center's volunteer information night and it was a full house!  Justin got to drive his new car there which gave us a chance to check out all the lights and what not needed for night driving.  He wasn't thrilled about having to drive on the causeway which is why he looks worried.  Thankfully, once we got there he cheered up and enjoyed being at the center learning more about he might be able to help.

Day 271- Friday, 9/27/24

Happy Friday!  At work I was QC testing a batch of beta toxin I just made used for mastitis diagnostics in dairy cattle and it passed it's test as evidenced by the TIE Fighter looking mark on my plate.  Back at home this is our new normal in the evenings when we need to cook dinner--someone needs to man the dog on a leash because she just cannot stay out of the way in the kitchen.  At least she doesn't fight the leash and just resigns to relaxing once we put it on her.  Once dinner was over we continued the scary movie trend for the season and watched a current remake of Rosemary's Baby which did not disappoint.


Day 272- Saturday, 9/28/24

Justin was feeling under the weather today so he spent most of his day in bed.  Rusty took it upon himself to check in and make sure he was ok.  Meanwhile I got a few more decorations put out, some including fall goodies.

Day 273- Sunday, 9/29/24

Fall means football season and there has been a whole lot of football on here lately.  Today was a Niners game so John had his flag flying in support.  Later, on a walk, I was looking for even more signs of fall and spied this heart shaped yellow leaf on the ground that made me smile.

That wraps up another full week.  See you next week in a new month.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, Tyler!! Hope the boys only have good results from their cardio tests.
