Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Week 46

Hello, welcome back and happy Wednesday!  Only one more week until Thanksgiving and we get Brandon home for the holiday week starting Saturday.  Can't wait!  Now time to start planning the meal and picking up the various items we need to make that happen.

 Here's a peek at last week's pictures:

Day 316- Monday, 11/11/24

Happy Veteran's Day and thank you to all that serve and protect this country.  It's a university holiday so I'm home today and we're enjoy a good bit of rain with more to come later in the week.  Our neighborhood streets and sidewalks are also littered with all kinds of leaves--some big and some small.  There are a bunch of these huge ones around that crunch when you walk through them.  I picked up this beauty on our evening walk while we made our way through a pile.

Day 317- Tuesday, 11/12/24

The temperatures have really dropped and the pets are seeking humans and blankets for warmth.  Rusty is Justin's side kick for sure.  He even gets mad and meows at Justin when he spends time with Bailey.  Speaking of Bailey, it looks as though she is now a couch dog.  She's gotten too big for us to sit on the floor with her and she really wants to be with us so John caved and started letting her on the couch. So far she's done really well and settles better this way.

Day 318- Wednesday, 11/13/24

Time for the citrus to start ripening.  We'll have all kinds of lemons in no time.  Both neighbors on each side of us have lemon trees on the fence-line so we get a good amount for picking that hang over into our yard.  The neighbors don't mind either because they usually have more than they know what to do with. Loving our walks with all the fall feels and you can see we had some more rain today because the streets are wet.  The air smell so fresh and clean right now thanks to the rain.

Day 319- Thursday, 11/14/24

I got my free Starbucks reusable cup this year.  I tried to get one last year but didn't make it in time before they were all gone.  This year I had a plan and made sure to try first thing on my way to work right around 6am.  It was a perfect day for a nice hot drink too because the rain was insane especially in the afternoon. It really dumped and was so loud but still Bailey wondered why she couldn't go out to play Frisbee.  Sorry--not today pup.  We were still able to get a nice walk in later when the rain stopped though.

Day 320- Friday, 11/15/24

I spied some low lying Tule fog this morning in the park as I left for work.  The fog here wasn't bad but the closer I got to Davis the worse it got and became thick with low viability all over.  That's a typical fall and winter thing for us around here.  Later, instead of a Friday night movie, we watched the Friday night fight while sipping on drinks that John made for us.  Cheers to the weekend!  And by the way the women's boxing match before this hyped up one was so much better.

Day 321- Saturday, 11/16/24

Looks to be a perfect day for a catnap especially since it's very gloomy out.  In other news, the rechargeable battery for our robo-vac no longer charges so I'm currently waiting for a replacement and it's taking forever.  Tonight we watched this movie on Prime with the actress that was Rey in a few Star Wars movies.  It was a good, intense watch that we just stumbled upon.

Day 322- Sunday, 11/17/24

We've been working on teaching Bailey the command "crate" since she may need it if we board her for an up coming trip.  Thankfully she's a quick learner.  Now we need to try crates that are not hers and thankfully can practice with one in puppy class and another where she may get boarded.  She sleeps in her crate all the time but is free to come and go so we never had a need to teach her the command until now. Our other critter, Rusty, is so cute and has taken a liking to Justin's comfy winter blanket.  This is Justin's picture and he's taken so many more just like this. Rusty will nest here often especially when he's not in his blanket fort downstairs.  As for one of our other boys, Brandon sent me a couple pictures too this week of things he's been making that he's been craving.  It's good to see him making instead of just buying his favorite foods.  Can't wait to have him home end of next week.

All done for another week.  Hope to see you back next week.


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