Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Week 47

Hello and welcome back!  Last week was cold and very wet so you'll see a whole lot of blanket time in the following pictures.  It did start out dry but as a cyclone bomb moved in from the pacific things got real interesting.  At least we were on the far south fringe of it all--others more north faired way worse.

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 323- Monday, 11/18/24

Look at this girl!  She is so big now at nearly 1yr and loves to cuddle and be a lap dog.  We love it too--so sweet!

Day 324- Tuesday, 11/19/24

Here's a pretty sunset as the clouds move in bringing a huge storm to hit land soon.  We saw this from the backyard as I played Frisbee with Bailey to help calm her for our car ride to puppy class.  We travel to and from in the dark now but at lease there is a huge equipment barn with heaters we can train in.  The class practiced stays and recalls tonight and they all did way better than expected.  Bailey is the one on the far left that almost looks black in the low light.

Day 325- Wednesday, 11/20/24

This is what the cyclone bomb looks like from the sky (photo credit LA Times/National Weather Center)--so crazy!  We're starting to feel the effects today but just with scattered showers for now.  Friday is supposed to be the worst day.  Bailey and I still made it out for an evening walk during a dry spell.  Back in the garage this collection of items that so much represents us in this moment caught my eye-- Bailey's collection of rocks we have to take from her before she enters the house, a couple mouse traps that have helped us catch over 30 mice in the garage these past few weeks, the current play list John is working on usually as he watches games while at his workbench, and a bag of training treats for our girl. 

Day 326- Thursday, 11/21/24

This morning Rusty found a cozy blanket near a sunny window.  The day started sunny but ended pretty wet.  Caught this cute picture of our feet as Bailey cuddled with me for warmth.  The temps have been dropping into the 30s at night so socks, blankets, sweatshirts and heaters are all now our best friends.

Day 327- Friday, 11/22/24

TGIF!  It dumped today and hard--so hard Bailey refused to potty out in it earlier.  We need to create a covered spot for her to go in bad weather  There was an ok break before dinner so at least I could walk her with use only getting slightly wet.  She had a lot of pent up energy she needed to get out of her system as well from being stuck inside all day.  Later it was time for our first fire of the season and a good movie.

Day 328- Saturday, 11/23/24

Today was still very cloudy and a little bit of rain but the worst of it has passed.  John's physical therapy place had their annual customer appreciation party with street tacos to eat and pies in the face for trainers.  It was great Justin could join us this year and we also picked Brandon up from the airport which is near where the party was held.

Day 329- Sunday, 11/24/24

Here he is--Brandon home for the holiday week and getting reacquainted with Bailey who has grown and changed so much since he last saw her in July.  I'm pretty sure she's doubled in size since then.  Rusty was also happy to see him but more happy about the sun shining through our window upstairs.  He's a sun seeker for sure and has missed it most this week.

That's all folks.  Have a great Thanksgiving and see you on the flip side.


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