Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week 7

What a week!  A couple exciting things happened regarding Project Life.  First, one of my pictures from week 2 was selected to be featured on Becky Higgins' blog for the work photo challenge.  How cool is that?  You can check it out here
along with all the other great photos selected. 

And second, guess what came in the mail Saturday?  My Project Life 2010 book which to my surprise was a huge hit with the boys. 

They spent a good hour pouring over the book before bedtime Saturday night.  I'm so thrilled they enjoyed it so much and was happy to be able to say yes when one of them asked if I was doing another for 2011.  Their reaction was priceless!

Now onto this past week's photos:

Day 43- Saturday, 02/12/11
Tyler and Justin playing a Lego game together.  We all love how you can adapt these games to make them your own.  The boys are pretty creative at it too.

Day 44- Sunday, 02/13/11
Brandon works on filling out his Valentine's cards for school tomorrow.

Day 45- Monday, 02/14/11
Happy Valentine's Day!  Here's my forever Valentine.

Day 46- Tuesday, 02/15/11
Every Tuesday is Karate night and one of these days Justin will learn to tie his own belt but until then dad is more than happy to help.

Day 47- Wednesday, 02/16/11
Back at the surgery center with Brandon.  This is his second surgery for the same problem and we are hoping the last.

Day 48- Thursday, 02/17/11
It's been raining most of the week but really hard these past couple days.  A lot of good the pool does us this time of year.

Day 49- Friday 02/18/11
The kids have the day off from school and Brandon discovers just how many silly bands he has.  Wonder who will remember this silly fad in a few years.

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