Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Week 34

We survived the first week of school and are ready for more.  It's really hot here too so it's been nice to use the pool after homework as a way to unwind and cool off.  Things at work are really crazy but I'll have my full crew back from vacations soon and we can even the workload a bit.

Now for last week's pictures:

Day 232: Saturday, 8/20/11
New haircuts for the new school year.  It also feels cooler with shorter hair in this heat, and they like how much easier it is to comb in the mornings.

  Day 233: Sunday, 8/21/11
Tyler, John, and Justin worked together to make the family tacos for dinner.  It's always a treat to have the boys in the kitchen cooking.  Tyler only has 5 more years before he heads off to college so he wants to learn how to make all his favorite dishes.

Day 234: Monday, 8/22/11
It's our 19th wedding anniversary! We were able to spend the day together and went out for a nice sunset dinner on the river at Rio City Cafe in Old Sacramento.  The food was wonderful but the company was even better ;0)

Day 235: Tuesday, 8/23/11
The backpacks are all loaded and ready to go for tomorrow.  The kids are actually excited and eager to start hitting the books again or should I say socialize with their friends on a daily basis.

Day 236: Wednesday, 8/24/11
It's the first day of the new school year and my boys are all uniformed up and ready to go.  Tyler starts 8th grade, Justin 5th, and Brandon 2nd.  This will be the last year we have them all at the same school--Bridgeway Island K-8. 

Day 237: Thursday, 8/25/11
The start of school means the start of homework.  Yesterday I had all the homework with multiple forms to fill out but today everyone else had their share.  Poor Justin always seems to end up with the most.

Day 238: Friday, 8/26/11
No more tub for us.  I finally have my last child happy about taking showers.  It's so much easier this way--less time and less hassle.

That's it for this week.
See you next Tuesday!


  1. Happy Anniversary! Love the backpack picture. I need to get one like that. Happy back to school!

  2. Oh my gosh, so many great pics this week. The shower pic made me laugh out loud! Happy Anniversary! Mine was the next day (23rd), we celebrated our 8th. Congrats on 19 years! Wow. Hope the back to school routine is off to a good start.

  3. Great week of pics! We are back to school too. I want a longer summer! It would be nice to go swimming after homework. My boys would love that.
