Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Week 41

Happy Tuesday!  We are enjoying a really nice Indian Summer.  I'm loving this weather and this time of year.  The kids are outside playing, the trees are turning pretty colors, the sunsets are amazing, the moon is full, and there is a crispness to the air.  What more could you ask for?

How about last week's pictures-

Day 281- Saturday, 10/8/11
Tonight we went out with family and friends to Cattlemen's in Dixon to celebrate John's promotion.  I haven't eaten there in years and forgot how good their steaks really are--yum!  Even the kids were impressed.

Day 282- Sunday, 10/9/11
Tyler and John spent the day in San Francisco at the 49ers game.  It was a wonderful sunny day, and the Niner's even creamed the other team just for them ;0)  This was one of Tyler's birthday presents, and I think it will be one he never forgets.  Both him and John had a super fun day.

Day 283- Monday, 10/10/11
Tonight at swim practice I finished one book and started another.  That's the only time I get a chance to read these days--while I'm waiting for kids during their activities.  At least the weather has been really pleasant out.  It's actually quite nice to read outside in the evening while the sun is setting and the coolness creeps in.

Day 284- Tuesday 10/11/11
Justin lost yet another tooth.  Both him and Brandon are breaking the bank these days.  He actually thought he could manage not telling me, but one wide grin easily gave him away just before bed.  Caught ya!

Day 285- Wednesday, 10/12/11
The costumes are in and the kids are set for Halloween.  They love having the Halloween box out and trying on costumes from past years.  Can you guess what they will be this year?

Day 286- Thursday, 10/13/11
It was picture day at school which is why Tyler is out of uniform and has a fresh haircut.  He was playing with Bella this afternoon and sat next to her while they were resting.  I thought this made for a good picture especially since it's rare to see anyone near the dog without Brandon. Where is that kid anyway?  I better go check!

Day 287- Friday, 10/14/11
My new phone is also now my new fitness trainer.  I've got an app to help me keep track of calories consumed and burned as well as an app to help me find quick but effective workouts that I can fit into my busy day.  Mostly I like to workout in the afternoons while watching recorded episodes of TV I missed in the evenings when reading those books at various kid's activities.

 That's all folks! See you next Tuesday.

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