We had a wonderful Christmas but I'm glad it's over. I sure hope one day my kids come to realize and appreciate all the work that goes into creating such a magical holiday for them. It's exhausting and stressful, but I go all out because I love it and them. Thankfully it's done and was everything I imagined for my family so now I can relax and enjoy the last week of my vacation before school starts again and schedules get crazy. It's hard to believe we are almost into the next year. What will 2012 have in store for us? -- hopefully good for all.
Enjoy last week's pictures-
Day 351- Saturday, 12/17/11
Today I was able to get through all these boxes and get most everything wrapped. Can you tell where I like to shop? I don't have time to run from store to store so I'm happy that Amazon carries most everything I need and will ship for free to my home.
Today I was able to get through all these boxes and get most everything wrapped. Can you tell where I like to shop? I don't have time to run from store to store so I'm happy that Amazon carries most everything I need and will ship for free to my home.
Day 352- Sunday, 12/18/11
We lit the third candle on the advent wreath today which means only one more week until Christmas. The boys take turns blowing them out each night after dinner, and tonight was Justin's turn.

We lit the third candle on the advent wreath today which means only one more week until Christmas. The boys take turns blowing them out each night after dinner, and tonight was Justin's turn.
Day 353- Monday, 12/19/11
It's time to get those Christmas cards out. I'm home all week with the kids who are out of school so I spent the morning addressing cards while enjoying my cup of warm cocoa by the lit tree.
It's time to get those Christmas cards out. I'm home all week with the kids who are out of school so I spent the morning addressing cards while enjoying my cup of warm cocoa by the lit tree.
Day 354- Tuesday, 12/20/11
This is what most of our mornings look like lately--bogged in the fog. It's a pain if you have to drive, but if you can hunker down and wait it out by 10am the blanket of fog will lift and the sun will shine. It's been beautiful most afternoons which has been great for the neighborhood kids all wanting to play together outside.
This is what most of our mornings look like lately--bogged in the fog. It's a pain if you have to drive, but if you can hunker down and wait it out by 10am the blanket of fog will lift and the sun will shine. It's been beautiful most afternoons which has been great for the neighborhood kids all wanting to play together outside.
Day 355- Wednesday, 12/21/11
Justin invited our neighbor, Amanda, in to help decorate the gingerbread house. It was a fun afternoon activity that brought the kids together. I think Brandon ate more than he added though ;0)
Justin invited our neighbor, Amanda, in to help decorate the gingerbread house. It was a fun afternoon activity that brought the kids together. I think Brandon ate more than he added though ;0)
Day 356- Thursday, 12/22/11
Time to finish my baking. Brandon was excited to help make sugar cookies. He wanted snowmen and Christmas trees so that's what we cut out. Later the other boys joined us to frost and decorate the cookies we'll hand out to our neighbors tomorrow.
Time to finish my baking. Brandon was excited to help make sugar cookies. He wanted snowmen and Christmas trees so that's what we cut out. Later the other boys joined us to frost and decorate the cookies we'll hand out to our neighbors tomorrow.
Only 2 more days! The boys are super excited and to add to the excitement they received a letter from Santa in the mail today. The most impressive part was when he mentioned Bella their beloved dog. They were quite pleased with that.
Wait! One more . . .
December's Family Photo
This was taken Christmas Eve. The final family photo of the year. I can't believe I actually got 12 months worth of family photos this year and I love each and every one. They are some of my favorites--definitely going to do this again in 2012.
OK! All done.
Thanks for stopping by and see you next year!!!
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