Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Week 15

Welcome back!  Finally we are looking at an entire week with no rain ahead and temps in the high 70's or maybe even 80's.  It's about time!  I'd still like to see it even a little warmer so I guess I'll just have to head to Vegas Friday to make that happen--an escape is in order!  It's been too long since my last one in January.

Now for last week's pictures:

Day 99- Sunday, 4/8/12
Happy Easter!  We had a busy, egg hunting, food grubbing day.  First we had our traditional, early- morning hunt in the house with just our family, then we headed next door for brunch and an egg hunt with the neighbors, and later we went to Raul and Wendy's for another egg hunt and a nice dinner.  It was actually a beautiful day out and everyone had a blast.  I love how these kids are so perfectly stair-stepped in height.

Day 100- Monday, 4/9/12
Here we go--back at swimming!  That is Justin in the green goggles waiting for his turn to head back out.  Thankfully the pool has been warmer this year than last because it's still cold out and it's one less battle I have to fight with the kids.  They don't mind swimming as long as they are warmer in the pool than out, but if the pool is too cold--forget it!  Can't say I blame them either.

Day 101- Tuesday, 4/10/12
Brandon is finishing up his dinosaur diorama.  His favorite part was hunting around the yard and in the neighborhood for interesting rocks, sticks, and plants to use.  I also had thrown out all our cheap, old, smaller dinosaurs so we had to go on a store hunt for some more of those which was harder to find than I imagined.  We went to Target, Walgreens, Walmart and then finally found what we were looking for at Rite-Aide--go figure!

Day 102- Wednesday, 4/11/12
This is what most of our week has looked like with big thunderclouds and lots of rain.  Today we're at the MIND institute as we are every Wednesday afternoon for social skills class.  I love the architecture of this building.  The sibling class meets in a room with the curved walls and windows.  They call it the fish bowl ;0)

Day 103- Thursday, 4/12/12
It's been a busy week back to work and school after spring break and the poor dog is feeling a little neglected so I spent some time this afternoon playing one of her favorite games with her, tug-of-war. And, yes, even the dog has an Angry Birds toy.

Day 104- Friday, 4/13/12
Yet another rainy day!  Someone get me off this roller coaster.  I guess it's perfect for Friday the 13th though.  I'm here in the drive-through line at Starbucks waiting for some goodness to warm and wake me up at 6:00 in the morning.  Usually there is no line this early, but I think this nasty weather brought the masses in.  It's a perfect day for a mocha!

Day 105- Saturday, 4/14/12
Mission accomplished!  I needed to shop today and find a dress and shoes for my Vegas trip next week.  It was crazy out there with all the high school girls looking for prom dresses, but I managed to find what I needed plus a new handbag that will come in handy on my trip.

One extra picture this week for a photo prompt. 

This was taken a couple weeks ago on Justin's birthday, but I had to included it this week because it's perfect for the "Exhilaration or Joy" prompt at Project 366 Rewind.  No one shows more exhileration or joy in his expression as Justin when opening gifts and recieving something he really wants.  You gotta love the look on his face and I'm not even sure what it is he got.  LOL!

OK, all done.  Thank's for stopping by.


Naptime Momtog


  1. fun photos. Love the exhileration! Yes, we are dancing with the raindrops here too. Ready for it to leave for awhile, or why not just rain while I sleep? ha!

  2. Great pictures Andrea, my favourite is the one of the dog - so funny.

  3. Yeah for heading to Vegas. Pack your bikini & the sunscreen- it's supposed to be 95 here by the weekend!

  4. Love the exhileration one! Perfect! Hope your rain has stopped and have a great trip!! love your picture of the cloudy sky! I can't believe your kids are swimming now! Have fun!

  5. Great photos! I love the rainy morning shot, and that dress looks cute. Thanks for sharing your week :)

  6. Love, love all the shots! Such talent. Just wanted to stop by and encourage you to stop by and submit your photos to our 12 days of capturing motherhood through your lens photo challenge: http://inspiredbyfamilymag.com/2012/04/15/mommy-moments-photo-challenge-has-begun/
    Great prizes to be won or you can do it just for fun!

  7. Looks like a good week in spite of the weather. I don't miss all of the rain from home, but I do miss the Starbucks drive thru!! :)
