Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Week 45

Yep, I'm liking November a whole lot.  We had a grwat, relaxing, long weekend and are enjoying the fall weather.  It's hard to believe Thanksgiving is just around the corner, but I'm ready and not feeling stressed or rushed this year at all.  Talk to me after the first of December and see if I still feel the same way. Things on the home front have slowed, but work in busy as ever, and even though I have Thanksgiving week off I'll still have to come in a couple days to make sure my bugs, cells, and hamsters are all good and fed.  Oh well--it's always like that so I'm used to it, and it feels good to be needed somewhere besides just home.

Speaking of home, here are last week's pictures:

Day 309- Sunday, 11/4/12
 Rusty is enjoying football season because he knows he has a nice, warm, and reliable couch buddy to snuggle up to. 

 Day 310- Monday, 11/5/12
I pulled out the Christmas countdown ornament this weekend, and the two younger boys were so excited to be wearing their winter pajamas and checking in on the clock tonight.

 Day 311- Tuesday, 11/6/12
Wednesdays are trash day which means the trash needs to go out Tuesday evening.  It's Justin's job to collect all the trash in the house and make sure it gets taken out.  He's just barely tall enough!

 Day 312- Wednesday, 11/7/12
Someone is becoming interested in what the outdoors might hold but not for this kitty.  He'll be a strictly indoor cat.

 Day 313- Thursday, 11/8/12
We had a beautiful sunny and warm start to our week, but today the wind picked up and the clouds rolled in to dump some rain in our area.

 Day 314- Friday, 11/9/12
Brandon is fascinated with the Empire State building.  He's had a Lego version built for awhile now but keeps tweaking and adding to it.  He asked me to take a picture today because he thinks this is his final version and would like it to go into the Lego Club catalog.

 Day 315- Saturday, 11/10/12
I'm back from a nice, long day of retail therapy.  With the weather turning cold I was in dire need of some long pants.  I've dropped at least 2 pant sizes since last winter so none of my current pants fit.  Sharon was kind enough to join me for the day and share some of her coupons.  We shopped, had lunch, scored on some sales, and had a bunch of fun until our arms got tired.  LOL!

That's it for this week. 
Thanks for stopping by and see you next Tuesday.



  1. Love the countdown ornament. I almost bought one at the store today :) The Lego Empire building is awesome! Love your shopping picture! Happy Fall! and glad things are slowing down for you.

  2. LOVE the Empire State Building. I'll bet it makes it into the Lego Club "book"...my son is looking with me and he said "Just like in my BOOK!!Wow!"

  3. That is one awesome Lego tower!! Wow! And I love your retail therapy shot ;)

    Great week!

  4. Great collection of photos this week! I love your son's Lego tower! And the last photo makes me want some retail therapy too!!

  5. Love the Lego tower! Sounds just like my kids...can't believe that a year ago they were obsessed with Duplos and now we've made the leap to Legos! Congrats on your retail therapy--I'm going the other direction. Need to get active so that my old pants fit; I can't buy pants to fit me in Korea!

  6. Loved your shopping selfie, the countdown ornament is great too.

  7. The Empire State Building is amazing! Your son has done a great job! Retail therapy looks fun, too. Well done on dropping two sizes!
