Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week 33

Happy Tuesday!  It's the last day of summer break here.  The boys go back to school tomorrow.  We had a great summer doing and seeing so many different things, and I can't believe it's over already.  I do think that after being home together for the past week we all have cabin fever and are ready for some space so heading back to school will be a welcomed change.  It's always nice to have that routine and structure school forces us into. I just hope homework time goes smoother this year than last.

At any rate, here's how our last week of summer break went:

Day 224- Monday, 8/12/13
Justin gets new glasses for the new school year.  When we were in a couple weeks ago to fix his broken ones they noticed that his frames were too small for his face so we ended up ordering new ones and picked them up today.

Day 225- Tuesday, 8/13/13
It's been a really warm day so the boys decided it would be a fun way to cool off by running in the sprinklers.

Day 226- Wednesday, 8/14/13
We were finally able to try out the ice-cream maker we won at the beginning of the year and it's a big hit with all of us.  This thing rocks, but I need to order a second bucket so we can make a couple batches at once.  As you can imagine one batch does not last long in this house with 3 hungry boys.  Tyler wanted to be the first to try.  He's currently going through water polo "hell week" so it's been a tough last week of summer for him and any extra calories he can take in really helps.  Oh, to have that problem!

Day 227- Thursday, 8/15/13
Brandon decided to make a blanket fort for him and the cat.  The only problem is that he is more impressed with it than the cat.  LOL!  Rusty did check it out, but I think it's too hot for him to want to be in there long.

Day 228- Friday, 8/16/13
This morning while Justin was at tennis, Brandon and I banged out the back-to-school shopping.  There are still couple things we need that I could not find but for the most part they are ready.

Day 229- Saturday, 8/17/13
Enough about the kids--today it's about the wine!  We went wine tasting up near Auburn with Sharon and Richie.  It was a beautiful day and a fun time.

Day 230- Sunday, 8/18/13
I'm a football widow again.  It's that time of year.  Earlier the boys and I went to an end-of-swim party, and John went out to lunch with his brother David, but now it's time to relax.  Gotta love a lazy Sunday afternoon in front of the game.

That's it.  Hope everyone else is having a new school season.  Check back next week to see how school is going for us.



  1. love the new glasses. You will have to tell me what kind of ice cream maker you have. We need a new one. Looks like a great last week of summer, and hope school starts off great!!

  2. Your pictures are always so gorgeous.
    I love the lighting, the crispness, the composition.
    Like how instead of just taking a picture of Justin in his new glasses, you got one of him looking at them in the mirror.
    Or the one of the boys running through the sprinklers.
    I LOVE looking at your pictures each week b/c it's such a delightful feast for the eyes. :)

    Have a great week! We start school here on Monday.

  3. Oh, it was fun to read that you and your husband love to go wine tasting...we had so much fun visiting wineries in Napa and Sonoma last year. The ice cream maker does look like so much fun!

  4. I'm jealous about the wine tasting! That looks like so much fun! I can't wait until I can have wine again after this pregnancy.

    Justin looks so cute in his new glasses! I hope your boys had a good first day at school!
