Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Week 10

Welcome back!  Hope everyone is staying dry.  It has been very wet out lately which is a good thing, but I would have preferred it more in February than March.  Tennis matches are getting cancelled right and left. I have a feeling it will be a bust of a season in terms of play time.  On the bright side maybe we can get another ski day in this year.  The snow pack is building!

Now for last week's pictures:

Day 60- Monday, 2/29/16
Happy Leap Year!  My younger boys are leaping for joy on this extra day in February.  Today was a gorgeous spring day and we know the storm door is opening up later in the week so we have to enjoy the outdoors as much as we can.

Day 61- Tuesday, 3/1/16
Welcome to March!  It's Justin's birthday month so he's always happy to pose with the March marker.  Now he just has to wait 30 more days for his favorite day of the month ;0)

Day 62- Wednesday, 3/2/16
My 3rd and final kid is doing Pennies for Patients.  He's excited to bomb Ms. Law's class because she gives him too much homework.  LOL!  At least it's for a good cause.  And sitting on the table I just happened to find some of that homework from her in progress.  Brandon never lets me see his work anymore so I was quite surprised and impressed by his drawing.  He's always been a good artist but it's been awhile since I've seen his work so I'm happy he's still got it and putting it to good use.

Day 63- Thursday, 3/3/16
I told you my yard was in bloom and coming alive.  The big storm is moving in tonight so I thought I'd snap a few pictures of the pretty blossoms out back before the weather beats them up.

Day 64- Friday, 3/4/16
TGIF!  It's pouring and cold out.  Swim practice was cancelled, tennis matches at McClatchy were cancelled and the fire was turned on.  Brandon is trying to warm up and dry out his wet feet.  Time to hunker down and enjoy our cozy home while it gets crazy out.

Day 65- Saturday, 3/5/16
Bella needs her walk and these insane kids practically begged me to let them take her in the rain.  Umm . . . OK! Have fun kids and don't get too wet.  This morning I worked the Booster's snack bar for a girls soccer tournament and talk about some poor wet kids! The spring sports are not fairing well in this weather.

Day 66- Sunday, 3/6/16
The best way to end a cold rainy weekend is with some warm homemade pizza.  Tyler has his pie ready for the oven and we have two more cooking.  Yum!  Totally hit the spot.  I cringe to see my son in a tank top though.  It's not tank type weather but he was playing basketball earlier couldn't be bothered to change.  Boys!

That's it!  Another full week in the books.  See you next time around.


  1. Happy March!! That's too bad about all the cancelled activities, but that fire at home sure does look cozy! So funny that Brandon doesn't let you see his homework anymore. He's a great little artist, indeed!

  2. Happy March, came in like a lion! Stay dry and enjoy the nicer weather!

  3. Love your blossoms in your yard! So pretty! Those pizzas look yum! It is sort of nice when the weather makes you take a break and cancels everything for you so you get a breather! Love Brandon's art! He is very good! Hope you have a great week!
