Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Week 11

Welcome back and hello sunshine!  After a long week of a lot of rain we finally get a break and it feels so nice.  We'll have 5-6 days before the next storm hits and we'll take it.  It's also the last week before spring break.  WooHoo! Everyone is looking forward to some time off and some fun.

Until then, here are last week's pictures:

Day 67- Monday, 3/7/16
He's the last kid that still needs to stool to reach the cookie jar, but I have a feeling it won't be too much longer before he doesn't need it anymore either.

Day 68- Tuesday, 3/8/16
Look what Tyler brought home today.  It's starting to feel more real.  Only a couple months to go.  He just got home from swim practice--gotta love the pool hair.

Day 69- Wednesday, 3/9/16
This is how Rusty deals with the cold and rainy weather.  He's really into to burying himself into blankets and staying there for hours these days.  Must be nice.

Day 70- Thursday, 3/10/16
The Academic Awards Assemble for the high school was tonight. Justin had to come straight from tennis practice and was happy to be honored but more importantly super happy to get cake! He actually ended up with a couple pieces which was the highlight of his day.

Day 71- Friday, 3/11/16
The high school swim season has officially started.  They had their first meet today.  It started off nice and sunny but quickly turned to windy, pouring rain.  That least these meets are short.  They were done in just over an hour.

Day 72- Saturday, 3/12/16
Brandon braved the rain to help me walk the dog today.  It was a light, warm rain with no wind so not too bad, but we still got plenty wet.

Day 73- Sunday, 3/13/16
It's cinnamon roll Sunday ;0)  We needed a warm, sweet treat from the oven on this cold and wet start to the day.

That's it!  Next week I might be a couple days late because of spring, break but I'll post as soon as I can.


  1. Caps and gowns so soon!
    We're getting rain too! Cold and wet )-:

  2. Holy moly!! Tyler has his cap and gown already?! It's getting real!
    Cinnamon roll Sunday sounds like a tradition I need to start! We basically skipped over spring and headed right into summer here...at least that's what it seems like today at 85 degrees. Pretty sure that was a fluke though. We might have a week or two more of "spring" before the heat is unbearable. And I'm sure those two weeks will be filled with pollen. Gotta love the South.

  3. I know I'm way behind on posting on your blog, but I'm catching up today.
    I LOVE that first shot of you looking up towards the cookie jar.
    What a COOL angle to really tell the story.

    That's crazy that Tyler got his cap & gown already.
    That means it's really happening. Did you cry a little? :)
