Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Week 42

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  There was a big beautiful harvest moon to gaze at on my drive in this morning. That's the upside and the downside is that full moons bring out the crazies so traffic before 6am heading into Davis was insane with 2 truck breakdowns and 1 multi-car accident causing major slow ups. Sadly I'm not sure being up and out early enough to experience that moon was worth it. Halloween is fast approaching and I'm in the final stages of prepping for that, but I'm not even sure my boys are going to participate this year which marks another transition into having nearly grown kids. They can at least help pass out candy for me.  It's a new phase for us in terms of holidays. Mine still like all the traditions but without all the magical excitement and it's sad, but I'll be ok.  I'll just roll with it and take what I can get from them.

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 288- Monday, 10/15/18
Today was the day of Brandon's bike accident while riding to school.  He was struck by a large pickup truck on his left side just after it turned right at a stop. Thankfully there was not much momentum or speed so he was not terribly hurt.  He has a few road rash scrapes, his shoulder is sore, and he's shaken up, but he also learned some good lessons and thankfully will be ok.  This afternoon he rests quietly with his faithful dog by his side.  I have to give props to the EMT, West Sac Police, school staff, and community members who stepped up to help take care of and comfort him until I could get there and even after.  He was in good hands.  His bike was thoroughly checked out and is unharmed but could use a little air in the tires.  Since John is traveling for work Justin pitched in to do that for his brother.  It really does take a village and I'm glad I have that here for me and mine.

Day 289- Tuesday, 10/16/18
Moving on to a new day with a good start.  The barista at our work coffee joint put a cute touch of fall on my mocha today which made me smile and helped me kick off my morning.  Then this afternoon I caught the sun beaming through some fall leaves in the backyard as I check on our tomatoes trying to ripening up for the last harvest.

Day 290- Wednesday, 10/17/18
Justin just got home from a cross country meet that he said he rocked and he's happy to be sporting a new jacket.  He's very picky so it took me awhile to find one that he approved of--it must have several pockets with zippers, a hood, and can't be too heavy or too light.  Luckily this one fits the bill.  I think the hood is a little weird but he likes weird so we're good.

Day 291- Thursday, 10/18/18 
Now that it's fall and the temps have dropped I have my lap cat back.  He's seeking out human warmth again which is fine by me because I've missed my cat cuddles all summer long.  I'm enjoying seeing all the new fall colors popping up too, and I like that my cat is a pretty fall color as well.

Day 292- Friday, 10/19/18
Yep- it truly is fall as you can tell on my walk with the dog.  There are so many colorful fallen leaves littering the sidewalks.  When we return I find Justin stealing one of the boxes I just brought home for packing things up to start the remodel.  He has an AP Stats project he's working on with a friend and needs a box or two.  How convenient for him that there just so happens to be a new pile of boxes in the garage.  Oh well--saves me a trip to find one last minute.  It's always easy come, easy go with these kids.

Day 293- Saturday, 10/20/18
It was a busy day.  Justin had another XC meet that I was hoping to go to, but Brandon's shoulder and now his back are still bothering him so I decided it was best to get an x-ray and make sure it's just normal healing pain and nothing more serious.  We spent 2 hours in urgent care but got it done and there may be a slight dislocation and a muscle contusion but nothing major that won't heal on it's own with time and rest so we'll just be patient.  After that was done and Justin had returned and also put in more time on his AP Stats project the boys and I went out to dinner and a movie.  John is back from his work trip but is now up in Tahoe on a guys trip for the weekend so it's just us and a Marvel movie.

Day 294- Sunday, 10/21/18
It's been awhile but worth the wait because the weather is perfect now for Cinnamon Roll Sunday.  These ones have an orange icing that we all love.  It's the perfectly yummy way to end a full fall week.

That's it.  See you next week just before Halloween!


  1. So glad he is ok!! What a good brother Justin is!

  2. So glad Brandon is ok! How stressful and scary! Beautiful fall colors where you are! Ours are just starting and I love it. Your cinnamon roll Sundays is a fun idea! Do you do that every Sunday? Yum! Hope this next week goes well for you!

  3. Haha! My kids wish we did it every Sunday bur when we do have cinnamon rolls it is usually always on Sunday :0)
