Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Week 20

Hello and welcome back! We're in phase 2 of re-opening here in the northern part of California. The southern areas will take a bit longer since they are more densely populated and have more cases. There's still a lot of uncertainty especially regarding schools and it sounds like most colleges here will be online for at least the 1st semester next year. It's disappointing but also better to be safe than sorry so understandable and may actually help them get back to normal sooner in the long run. We'll see. At any rate Justin finished his 1st year of college and is now home with us for at least the summer and maybe longer. Either way we're happy to have him back.

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 132- Monday, 5/11/20
After working in the lab this morning I was able to relax at home and had a cute furry friend join me.  The other furry friend was waiting for her afternoon run in the yard and sprung out the sliding door with full-on speed to race around.  Not bad a for a now 12 year old Lab.  It's the simple things in life that help keep us going.

Day 133- Tuesday, 5/12/20
This whole week has been on and off with storms and sunshine.  There were a lot of impressive cloud banks out today which made it dark at times but when the sun did shine the light was at least caught by my dragonfly glass art hanging in the dining window.

Day 134- Wednesday, 5/13/20
Tonight was the season finale of Survivor season 40!  We've been watching for over 20 years.  It was a good season with many new twists and all the players were past winners which was interesting to watch and see the different playing styles that have formed through the many seasons.  I was hoping Natalie would win in the end being the 1st to get voted off and then earning her spot back in that game after spending most the season at the edge of extinction.  That would have been sweet justice but alias Tony won. 

Day 135- Thursday, 5/14/20
Brandon continues distance learning high school at home and still has about 3 more weeks left before his summer break.  Most of it is done from his bed in a self-made cave and he's perfectly fine with that.  Outside I noticed that our tomato plants now have flowers which is great because just last week I was saying that they need flowers and here we are so hopefully soon the fruit will start.

Day 136- Friday, 5/15/20
I drove 6 hrs up to Humboldt State to move Justin out of his dorm after finishing finals for his first year in college.  He's happy to be done and we're happy to be bringing him home for the summer.  We stayed the night before driving back and had to find a place for dinner that did take out or delivery (hardly any fast-food options there).  I was thinking pizza delivery but he had pizza for lunch so we found a very busy 24 hr place that sold burgers and shakes for take out. Of course we forgot our masks at the hotel so had to quickly go back and get them to actually pick up our food.  

Day 137- Saturday, 5/16/20
We're back home and the cat quickly found my lap because he missed me the past couple days and is interested in seeing Justin but also cautious about his return.  Rusty needs time to warm to the idea but soon enough they'll be best buds again.  John's happy to see Justin though and we all enjoyed a fun family meal together to catch up.

Day 138- Sunday, 5/17/20
All of Justin's dorm room belongings have been dumped in the loft area until we can sort through it and organize it for next year.  I see many loads of laundry in my future.  At least it doesn't bother Brandon who is enjoying playing games during free time before school assignments start again tomorrow.  In other news John went to Costco to restock our food supplies and brought back a shiny new Roomba for us.  Our other one has been slowly dying for the past year so it was time.

That's it!  See you next week.


  1. Hurray for Justin being home! Enjoy that (:
    We're just beginning Phase 1 here...baby steps.

  2. We are slowly starting to phase in where we are too. Glad you got one of your college boys back! We are still waiting to hear about BYU and what they will do for fall as I will have three there! Love your clouds picture and your pretty dragonfly glass art! So pretty! Stay safe and healthy!
