Welcome back and happy Tuesday! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were able to spend it with family. We had a great one and felt blessed to spend time together with eveyone under the same roof. The weather was also pretty amazing and soothing to the soul. Can't beat that!
Take a look at last week's pictures:
Justin and I headed out to pick up our traditional See's chocolate turkeys. They have new dark chocolate version this year that he is excited to try. We also stopped by the eye dr to have his glasses properly fitted since they arrived after he left for school and had to have them mailed to him so couldn't get that done earlier. The evening walk today was beautiful and after some windy weather most the trees around here have lost all their leaves. This tree in particular was still very full of leaves just a few days ago and now look at it. Winter is upon us!
Day 327- Tuesday, 11/23/21
Today I focused on getting Christmas cards and our annual photo calendar made through Snapfish. Being able to work on the laptop also allowed me to binge watch a new series I haven't had a chance to check out until now and it's really good. I like the concept of following this guys journey over 3 different paths based on which decision he made at a pivotal point in his life.
Day 328- Wednesday, 11/24/21
It's Thanksgiving prep day so Justin and I spent most of the day in the kitchen making cornbread for stuffing, baking muffins for tomorrow's breakfast and pies for tomorrow's dessert plus prepping the brine to soak the Turkey in tonight. Thank goodness we ordered pizza for tonight's dinner because the last thing we wanted to do was to spend more time in the kitchen cooking. We still have plenty of taht waiting for us tomorrow again.
Day 329- Thursday, 11/25/21
Happy Thanksgiving! We started off the day enjoying our muffins while watching the parade, and the Smokey The Bear balloon passed by just after we got off a zoom call with my parents which seemed fitting since my dad worked for the Forest Service and Smokey most of my life. Then we spent a lot of time in the kitchen preparing our turkey and ham feast with all the fixings to enjoy. Afterwards there was pie and pool games with the boys. It's great to have all 3 home again at least for a few days anyway.
Day 330- Friday, 11/26/21
The weather this week has been amazing with clear blue skies and sunny warm days. We're enjoying being home and being together. Here's a holiday cheers to the start of the weekend, and on this Black Friday it seemed only fitting to finally get around to watching the Marvel Black Widow movie which did not disapoint even if we had to watch in 2 sittings because of internet issues.
Day 331- Saturday, 11/27/21
We started our Christmas shopping this week and have been receiving many delivered packages. Let the games begin! We won't get our tree until next weekend so we've got some time to sort through it all and wrap these before then. I hate having a tree with no presents under it. Later this evening we went out to dinner and drinks with the Wongs and ended the night paying pool and darts back at the house. So many good laughs and fun had by all!
Day 332- Sunday, 11/28/21
The holiday is over so today was filled with chores and prepping for re-entry back into a work/school week. I like to watch TV while doing chores so this week while paying bills or folding laundry or making lists I also binge watched the new season of Selling Sunset that just dropped. It seemed like I was at the end before I knew it and wanting more as we all know there is more to their story that has unfolded in recent months. Yep--as you saw this week was a lot about family but also about catching up on TV since I wasn't working. The downtime was nice but now it's back to reality until the next holiday which is not that far away!
Wait! One more:
November's Family Photo
Now I'm done! Hope to see you next week as we get ready to start December and prepare for the Christmas season. Bam!--just like that.