Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Week 20

On to the next one which almost has me back on track!  I'll get there I promise.  This week here was all about having Justin and John back in the same area as the rest of the family so we can see and enjoy them more.  It's so wonderful and much easier to have us all close again.

Here are the pictures from week 20:

Day 136- Monday, 5/16/22

 Time for her treasured evening walk. You can see just how happy she is and ready to go.

Day 137- Tuesday, 5/17/22

I got to spend some time with John and learn all about what he'll be doing for PT, OT, and Speech Therapy.  This is the first time I've seen him back in those shoes since we went to the ER many, many weeks ago.  He's come so far but still has a long road ahead.

Day 138- Wednesday, 5/18/22

Wednesday at work I'm finalizing the data in this excel document that has way too many sheets.  At least I'm almost done.  Later at home Brandon showed me his haul from senior awards which I had no idea was happening today.  He too is almost done.

Day 139- Thursday, 5/19/22

I took Brandon out by the river to get some pictures for his graduation announcements that need to be made up and printed ASAP.  Then we went out to our traditional welcome back dinner for Justin that we haven't quite had time to squeeze in until now.

Day 140- Friday, 5/20/22

It's super hot and super windy which means the start to fire season--something we are all dreading.  Skies like these give me PTSD feelings as they remind me of the devastating fires from years past.

Day 142- Saturday, 5/21/22

Here she is back at it with Brandon controlling her to mow our lawn.  The yard looks so much better now even if that grass is mostly weeds.

Day 143- Sunday, 5/22/22

This is what happens when your wine-club guy is out of commission for a few months.  I finally got around to picking us the rest of our missed selections from 3 different wineries-18 bottles in all.  Time to spread the wealth and share a few.

Thanks for stopping by and look for more to come.

1 comment:

  1. That is a lot of wine! Enjoy!! So glad John is close! Exciting your last HS graduation coming up!!
