Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Week 41

Welcome back!  We're having another wonderful fall Tuesday here.  It's actually more of an Indian Summer like feel but either way very nice out.  Last week was pretty chill and this week we are running around crazy preparing for a trip to San Francisco on Friday.  There will be 3 dr appointments there that require some pre-screening.  Plus were also trying to plan some fun and visits with friends while there.

Until then take a look at last week's pictures:

Day 283- Monday, 10/10/22

Rusty really enjoys the fresh cool air and likes to watch the fall leaves blow by in the afternoon breeze.  That was happening out back and later out front there was a nice harvest moon lighting up our street.

Day 284- Tuesday, 10/11/22

The worst part about having an empty nest is inheriting the extra chores.  It's trash day and this is normally Brandon's job but at least I'm getting a workout while I do it.  Afterward I was able to relax inside and enjoy watching TV by pumpkin light.  We even watched a scary movie so it helped add to the atmosphere.

Day 285- Wednesday, 10/12/22

Wednesday at work while stepping out to grab coffee I spied this weathered paper napkin piece that somehow ended up being shaped like a heart.  It's nice to get good signs from the universe here and there in the most unexpected places.  For a late lunch back at home I had a very fall like spread that was also nice and cool on this warmer day. The mornings here are cold and crisp but the afternoons can really heat up.

Day 286- Thursday, 10/13/22

I'm slowly finding time between work and appointments to get all my pumpkin and fall decorations out.  Here is another kid chore I inherited.  I usually always feed the cat unless Justin wants to but Brandon usually always feeds the dog and now I'm in charge of both. At least they really appreciate me for it.  This is Bella's favorite time of day.

Day 287- Friday, 10/14/22

You can hardly see them but there are 2 band aides there. I got my flu and updated bivalent COVID shot today at the CVS in Target.  John was also vaccinated but at Rite-Aid instead since he was needing the Pfizer and I was needing the Moderna.  Happy to have them done. TGIF!

Day 288- Saturday, 10/15/22

Today was very chill.  We both did well with our booster shots having only sore arms, slight headaches and feeling a little more tired than usual on this next day.  Nothing like the fever and flu-like symptoms experienced before.  Aside from a little yard work I also worked to finish putting out the last of my fall decorations.

Day 289- Sunday, 10/16/22

This evening for Sunday dinner I made a whole chicken in the air fryer and then some apple turnovers for dessert in there as well.  It was a nice fall meal and everything turned out great.

That's it for now!  I'll see you next week as we start to wrap up the month.  Can't wait for November when we get to have the kids back home for a bit to do some chores--LOL!  Just kidding.  That would be to love on them of course/


  1. We also got our flu and COVID vaccines last week. Great minds think alike! It is hard to handle the extra chores with less kids, but I shouldn't complain because I still have one more kid. Do you like your air fryer? I can't decide if I want one or not. Hope your San Francisco trip goes well and the appointments! Love all your pumpkins too!

  2. Love the air fryer. It's hard for meals with the whole family but perfect for just 2-3 people. It can do so much with it and is a life saver in the heat for making things that would normally go in the oven but you don't want to turn on because it's too hot. The air-fryer cooks in less time with no added heat to the room. Only real down side is the counter space it takes up.

    1. Thanks for the recommendation! I might have to add that to my Christmas list this year!
