Happy Wednesday! I'm running a bit behind as the Monday holiday threw things off but here we are. Last week was a recovery week meaning getting back to normal from the crazy week before and lots of downtime for the pup recovering from her spay surgery. We also did a lot of yummy food prep and eating for the holiday weekend.
Here are last week's pictures-
Day 141- Monday, 5/20/24
Justin is settling in at home while he searches for a job, and it's been nice having him around as an extra pair of hands to help here and there plus he's pretty comical so keeps us entertained. Bailey is happy to have an extra playmate and walk buddy too.
Day 142- Tuesday, 5/21/24
We have more new things coming in bloom out back helping to add more fun color.
Day 143- Wednesday, 5/22/24
Wednesday at work I'm feeding my culture among other things and back at home Bailey is napping on John (one of her favorite places to nap). Look--his drink is the same color as the media I use in the lab. That's random, and not something I would have noticed if I had not taken these 2 picture on the same day.
Day 144- Thursday, 5/23/24
We added a pet barrier in my car now that Bailey is too big for a crate back there and just in time for us to take her to the vet for her spay. I also ordered this soft donut like pillow for her as an alternative to the plastic vet cone collar she needs to wear keeping her from messing with the incision site. It works great and is way more comfortable for her. Poor thing looked so sad when we picked her up this evening and now we have to try to keep her calm for 2 weeks. Wish us luck!

Day 145- Friday, 5/24/24
Our little, or should I say big now, patient is doing well and relaxing like she is supposed to. She has gotten so long and lanky and not really looking like a puppy anymore at almost 5 months old. When we are with her to supervise she doesn't need the protective collar, but when we need to leave her alone or overnight while she sleeps we make sure she has it on. Thankfully she's not too interested in messing with her incision stitches yet. That may change in a few more days when it stops hurting and starts to itch more. Otherwise Happy Friday! Tonight we watched this Ferrari movie with a great cast that recently dropped for streaming.
Day 146- Saturday, 5/25/24
Cheers to a long weekend and also to John being told his heart function is now high enough not to need a transplant! He'll still be on the list at the lowest level but only so they can quickly move him up if need be in the future. So proud of him working hard to get his heart healthy again when we didn't think it would be possible just a couple years ago. Today called for another mellow evening so after dinner we settled down with our pup to watch this newly released movie on Netflix. Go JLO!
That wraps up another week and I hope everyone had a nice long weekend.
Hope Bailey is feeling better!!