Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Week 40

Hello and welcome back. It's another week passing by and we're getting closer and closer to the holidays which seems crazy to believe. I wish the weather felt more like the current season but we had another super hot week last week with record temps. Even the bay area was well into 90's which is very rare for them. At least we aren't dealing with the crazy floods and hurricanes like back east though. Prayers for the missing and hopes for a speedy community recovery in the hard hit N. Carolina regions.  The damage has been unreal and we're all hoping the new hurricane hitting Florida this week won't be as bad as expected.

On a happier note here are last week's pictures:

 Day 274- Monday, 9/30/24
Even though it doesn't feel like it yet fall is happening and more and more leaves are turning colors and dropping to the ground.  Fall also brings new seasons of our favorites TV shows.  We actually missed the 1st episode of Grey's last week but thankfully found it streaming on Hulu.

Day 275- Tuesday, 10/1/24

Cheers to a new month!  Bring on October.  We had no puppy class tonight because it was too hot for them so we took advantage of the extra time and made tacos to enjoy for dinner. Normally when we have puppy class we get home so late we have to pick takeout on the way home.

Day 276- Wednesday, 10/2/24

Before heading off to work early in the mornings I get some time to play laser or string mouse with Rusty and also get Bailey fed and settled inside so she's ready for daddy daycare.  They both love their morning routine with me.

Day 277- Thursday, 10/3/24

Here are a few pictures from Justin on another one of his early morning walks.  It's a good time to see the sunrise and all the great wildlife we have near our neighborhood.

Day 278- Friday, 10/4/24

TGIF!  The best time for dog walks right now are just after the sun drops below tree level so we have plenty of shade.  The problem is trying to convince Bailey she needs to wait until that happens.  Cheers to the weekend.  Justin and I found this seasonal wine to try tonight and it was actually pretty good.

Day 279- Saturday, 10/5/24

We decided to take in a movie today as a way to escape the heat.  The first Joker was much better--this one turned out to be more of a musical that no one really cared for.  When we got home there was a package waiting for Bailey and she was happy to have a new toy that is designed to be torn apart--her favorite thing to do! It wore her out trying to succeed and thankfully it will take her a few more days, I think.  Once she gets the 2 layers of fabric off there is a football type squeeky ball revealed for her to keep.

Day 280- Sunday, 10/6/24

Rusty comes running to the kitchen any time meat comes out and Justin likes to tease him if there a type meat not meant for cats--pepperoni is way too salty for pets.  Later John grilled some real meat for us as a nice simple Sunday dinner.

That wraps up another full week.  Hope to see you in the next one.

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