Welcome and happy Tuesday! We're back on track here after last week's break. What a crazy, fully packed, but fun-filled time we had. This week is super busy too but what else is new?
Here are last week's pictures from our spring break adventures:
Today we toured Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. What a great little school. "Learn by Doing" is their motto and they gave plenty of great examples to prove it. I'm pretty sure this one will make the short list. After that we hit the beach one last time as the younger kids requested before taking to the road again. Santa Cruz, here we come.
What a gorgeous day in Santa Cruz! We lucked out on the weather for this trip. First up was a tour of the campus which is pretty much in a redwood forest. It's amazing and feels like an Ewok village with it's bridges that connect the buildings through the trees. It also has a great view of the ocean out by the recreation center and pool. Sadly, Tyler didn't like the feel of being lost in the trees so this one is off the list which is exactly why we visit. After our tour we headed to the San Jose area and visited the Winchester Mystery house for some fun. Brandon, my architectural nut, was absolutely in his element and loved it. We all thought it was pretty cool.
Stanford is our last stop before heading home. The mission style buildings and amazing grounds make this place feel really special. Tyler particularly like their amazing aquatic center and Brandon marveled at the European-style cathedral church. They've also got a great approach to learning by doing. There's a really nice vibe here. It was the a perfect place to end our trip. Time to head home!
Tyler was only home overnight before heading out super early with John to fly across the country and visit Syracuse. Here at home it was such a nice day that I carelessly did some damage to the second toe on my right foot trying to open a window to let some spring air in. Ouch! It only got prettier in color as the days went on.
It's dark and wet in Syracuse but there is no snow. John and Tyler toured the campus, visited the student run ambulance service, and then caught the Syracuse game in a local hot spot. Tyler was thrilled to see his team make it to the elite eight and cheer them on with dedicated local fans. I'm pretty sure that was the highlight of his trip. At home we continued some spring break fun by seeing the Batman vs Superman movie that was just released.
Time to say good-bye to Syracuse and start the journey home. It's quite a long flight and they had two stops which made it even longer. The travel issues may be the main reason Syracuse might not make the final cut. We'll see. Back at home the younger boys colored eggs for Easter . Yep, that's right--Easter is tomorrow!
Everyone is back home and we are enjoying a nice quiet Easter together. I hope you all had a great holiday as were able to celebrate with good family and friends.
Wait! One more:
March's Family Photo
This was taken Easter Sunday on a very fine spring day.
Ok! That's it. I hope to see you all next week.