Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Week 13

Welcome and happy Tuesday!  We're back on track here after last week's break.  What a crazy, fully packed, but fun-filled time we had.  This week is super busy too but what else is new?

Here are last week's pictures from our spring break adventures:

Day 81- Monday, 3/21/16
Today we toured Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.  What a great little school.  "Learn by Doing" is their motto and they gave plenty of great examples to prove it.  I'm pretty sure this one will make the short list.  After that we hit the beach one last time as the younger kids requested before taking to the road again.  Santa Cruz, here we come.

Day 82- Tuesday, 3/22/16
What a gorgeous day in Santa Cruz!  We lucked out on the weather for this trip.  First up was a tour of the campus which is pretty much in a redwood forest.  It's amazing and feels like an Ewok village with it's bridges that connect the buildings through the trees.  It also has a great view of the ocean out by the recreation center and pool.  Sadly, Tyler didn't like the feel of being lost in the trees so this one is off the list which is exactly why we visit. After our tour we headed to the San Jose area and visited the Winchester Mystery house for some fun.  Brandon, my architectural nut, was absolutely in his element and loved it.  We all thought it was pretty cool.

Day 83- Wednesday, 3/23/16
Stanford is our last stop before heading home.  The mission style buildings and amazing grounds make this place feel really special.  Tyler particularly like their amazing aquatic center and Brandon marveled at the European-style cathedral church.  They've also got a great approach to learning by doing.  There's a really nice vibe here.  It was the a perfect place to end our trip.  Time to head home!

Day 84- Thursday, 3/24/16
Tyler was only home overnight before heading out super early with John to fly across the country and visit Syracuse.  Here at home it was such a nice day that I carelessly did some damage to the second toe on my right foot trying to open a window to let some spring air in.  Ouch!  It only got prettier in color as the days went on.

Day 85- Friday, 3/25/16
It's dark and wet in Syracuse but there is no snow.  John and Tyler toured the campus, visited the student run ambulance service, and then caught the Syracuse game in a local hot spot.  Tyler was thrilled to see his team make it to the elite eight and cheer them on with dedicated local fans.  I'm pretty sure that was the highlight of his trip.  At home we continued some spring break fun by seeing the Batman vs Superman movie that was just released.

Day 86- Saturday, 3/26/16
Time to say good-bye to Syracuse and start the journey home.  It's quite a long flight and they had two stops which made it even longer.  The travel issues may be the main reason Syracuse might not make the final cut.  We'll see.  Back at home the younger boys colored eggs for Easter .  Yep, that's right--Easter is tomorrow!

Day 87- Sunday, 3/27/16
Everyone is back home and we are enjoying a nice quiet Easter together.  I hope you all had a great holiday as were able to celebrate with good family and friends.

Wait!  One more:

March's Family Photo

This was taken Easter Sunday on a very fine spring day.

Ok!  That's it.  I hope to see you all next week.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Week 12

Happy Friday :0)  Ha! -- better late than never.  The boys and I were away on a college-tour road trip the first part of the week so I'm just now getting to this blog post.  We had a great time and will enjoy the rest of our break at home--except for Tyler.  He is in New York with John visiting Syracuse and will return late tomorrow just in time to spend Easter with the family. UC acceptances went well--Santa Cruz, Irvine, UCLA and just found out about Cal Berkeley!!  How will he decide?

This seems so long ago but here are last week's pictures just before break started:

Day 74- Monday, 3/14/16
Happy Pi Day!  Justin was thrilled with my pie selections.  I had no time to bake on a Monday so thank goodness the stores had some nice ready-made pies for us to enjoy.  They were both a big hit.

Day 75- Tuesday, 3/15/16
Sunshine!  After a long rainy week last week we are all happy for the break in storms and enjoying the sun and warmth.  Nothing like a good dose of vitamin D to lift the spirits.

Day 76- Wednesday, 3/16/16
I recently got a new rug for the laundry room and Rusty is still deciding whether he likes it or not.  This used to be his favorite hang out spot in the early mornings but now he's not so sure.  LOL!

Day 77- Thursday, 3/17/16
Happy St. Patrick's Day!  It wouldn't be the same without a Shamrock Shake and luckily the weather is perfect for it right now.

Day 78- Friday, 3/18/16
Spring break has officially started but before we can celebrate Tyler has a swim meet and Justin has a tennis match.  We all just want to get home and start our break!  I love that he's in lane 5 which is his polo number ;0) or should I say WAS his polo number :0(

Day 79- Saturday, 3/19/16
John's home and back in his favorite spot on the couch with his loyal dog next to him.  He's been away for the past few days in Reno for some college basketball March Madness fun.  Tonight we watch a movie and have pizza rolls and lemon drops for dinner--so unhealthy but so good!

Day 80- Sunday, 3/20/16
Time to start our road trip!  It's just me and the boys since John has to work.  Today we traveled to our furthest destination--San Luis Obispo and will work our way back over the next 3 days.  After a long 4+hr car ride with one sick kid we made it by mid day and went straight to Avila Beach for lunch.  Thankfully the fresh sea air helped my sickie.  Then we hit the hills behind Cal Poly for a beautiful spring hike through their "architectural graveyard."  The natural area surrounding this school is amazing!  As a treat after our hike we visited a local favorite with the students--SLO Donut Co., open 24hrs with free wifi.  Apparently its the hot spot to study late at night or just to sneak in a late night study break.  Tyler may end up going here just for these donuts.  LOL!  So many creative and yummy options. 

That wraps up last week.  See you in a few days for the next week.  I wish spring break was a bit longer.  We need more time to visit more schools!  Hope you all have a wonderful Easter and are enjoying some nice spring weather :0)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Week 11

Welcome back and hello sunshine!  After a long week of a lot of rain we finally get a break and it feels so nice.  We'll have 5-6 days before the next storm hits and we'll take it.  It's also the last week before spring break.  WooHoo! Everyone is looking forward to some time off and some fun.

Until then, here are last week's pictures:

Day 67- Monday, 3/7/16
He's the last kid that still needs to stool to reach the cookie jar, but I have a feeling it won't be too much longer before he doesn't need it anymore either.

Day 68- Tuesday, 3/8/16
Look what Tyler brought home today.  It's starting to feel more real.  Only a couple months to go.  He just got home from swim practice--gotta love the pool hair.

Day 69- Wednesday, 3/9/16
This is how Rusty deals with the cold and rainy weather.  He's really into to burying himself into blankets and staying there for hours these days.  Must be nice.

Day 70- Thursday, 3/10/16
The Academic Awards Assemble for the high school was tonight. Justin had to come straight from tennis practice and was happy to be honored but more importantly super happy to get cake! He actually ended up with a couple pieces which was the highlight of his day.

Day 71- Friday, 3/11/16
The high school swim season has officially started.  They had their first meet today.  It started off nice and sunny but quickly turned to windy, pouring rain.  That least these meets are short.  They were done in just over an hour.

Day 72- Saturday, 3/12/16
Brandon braved the rain to help me walk the dog today.  It was a light, warm rain with no wind so not too bad, but we still got plenty wet.

Day 73- Sunday, 3/13/16
It's cinnamon roll Sunday ;0)  We needed a warm, sweet treat from the oven on this cold and wet start to the day.

That's it!  Next week I might be a couple days late because of spring, break but I'll post as soon as I can.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Week 10

Welcome back!  Hope everyone is staying dry.  It has been very wet out lately which is a good thing, but I would have preferred it more in February than March.  Tennis matches are getting cancelled right and left. I have a feeling it will be a bust of a season in terms of play time.  On the bright side maybe we can get another ski day in this year.  The snow pack is building!

Now for last week's pictures:

Day 60- Monday, 2/29/16
Happy Leap Year!  My younger boys are leaping for joy on this extra day in February.  Today was a gorgeous spring day and we know the storm door is opening up later in the week so we have to enjoy the outdoors as much as we can.

Day 61- Tuesday, 3/1/16
Welcome to March!  It's Justin's birthday month so he's always happy to pose with the March marker.  Now he just has to wait 30 more days for his favorite day of the month ;0)

Day 62- Wednesday, 3/2/16
My 3rd and final kid is doing Pennies for Patients.  He's excited to bomb Ms. Law's class because she gives him too much homework.  LOL!  At least it's for a good cause.  And sitting on the table I just happened to find some of that homework from her in progress.  Brandon never lets me see his work anymore so I was quite surprised and impressed by his drawing.  He's always been a good artist but it's been awhile since I've seen his work so I'm happy he's still got it and putting it to good use.

Day 63- Thursday, 3/3/16
I told you my yard was in bloom and coming alive.  The big storm is moving in tonight so I thought I'd snap a few pictures of the pretty blossoms out back before the weather beats them up.

Day 64- Friday, 3/4/16
TGIF!  It's pouring and cold out.  Swim practice was cancelled, tennis matches at McClatchy were cancelled and the fire was turned on.  Brandon is trying to warm up and dry out his wet feet.  Time to hunker down and enjoy our cozy home while it gets crazy out.

Day 65- Saturday, 3/5/16
Bella needs her walk and these insane kids practically begged me to let them take her in the rain.  Umm . . . OK! Have fun kids and don't get too wet.  This morning I worked the Booster's snack bar for a girls soccer tournament and talk about some poor wet kids! The spring sports are not fairing well in this weather.

Day 66- Sunday, 3/6/16
The best way to end a cold rainy weekend is with some warm homemade pizza.  Tyler has his pie ready for the oven and we have two more cooking.  Yum!  Totally hit the spot.  I cringe to see my son in a tank top though.  It's not tank type weather but he was playing basketball earlier couldn't be bothered to change.  Boys!

That's it!  Another full week in the books.  See you next time around.